Page 22 - Demo
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What are the eight types of fasts according to Imam Hanafi?Specified obligatory fasts: the current month of Ramadan.Non-specified obligatory fasts: making up fasts from a past Ramadan and expiation fasts.Specified necessary (wajib) fasts: specified vowed fasts.Non-specified necessary (wajib) fasts: non-specifiedvowed fasts.Emphasized Sunnah fasts: 10th of Muharram (day of %u2018Ashura) along with the 9th.Recommended/Voluntary (nafl) fasts: 13th, 14th, 15th of each lunar month (full moon days).Prohibitively disliked (makrooh tahrimi): fasting the two Eids.Slightly disliked (makrooh tanzihi): fasting the 10th of Muharram without the 9th or the 11th days, or singling out a Saturday for fasting.Are there days that are haram to fast other than Eid days?Yes, the following are haram according to the consensus, or prohibitively disliked according to Imam Hanafi:The voluntary fasting of a woman without her husband's permission. Fasting on the Day of Doubt (Yaum-ul-Shak) - the 30th day of Sha%u2019ban if people doubt whether it is the beginning of Ramadan; however, scholars have agreed that it is permissible and not disliked if that day coincides with a day that a person usually offers voluntary fasts (ex: on a Monday or Thursday).Fasting for a woman who is menstruating or experiencing post-childbirth bleeding (nifaas).Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 22