P. 7

The objective of these curriculum guidelines is students to achieve B1 level in

                  which  they  can  communicate  effectively  as  independent  users  of  English.  It
                  proposes three main levels that are:

                  Level A1

                  This is accomplished when language learners are capable of understanding and

                  using everyday expressions that are used frequently to satisfy immediate needs.
                  At this level, for example, learners are able to introduce themselves and introduce

                  others  and  provide  personal  information  about  their  home  and  belongings  to

                  people that know them as long as the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly.

                   Level A2

                  This  is  accomplished  when  language  learners  are  capable  of  understanding
                  frequently used phrases in areas in which they are knowledgeable, such as basic

                  information about themselves and their family, shopping, and places of interest.
                  At this level, they are also able to communicate in order to execute simple tasks

                  and routine activities that do not require much verbal interaction and in which the

                  information  is  related  to  habitual  activities.  These  individuals  are  also  able  to
                  express ideas in simple terms related to their past activities, surroundings, and

                  immediate needs.

                  Level B1

                  This is accomplished when the language learners are capable of understanding

                  the main points of readings written in clear, familiar, standard language. These
                  readings can be related to work, personal life, and leisure activities. Additionally

                  at  this  level,  learners  are  able  to  communicate  effectively,  while  traveling  in
                  countries  that  use  the  target  language,  write  simple,  coherent  essays  about

                  familiar topics, personal interest, experiences, events, and desires, and justify

                  their opinions ( giving simple, brief reasons) and explain their future plans.


                                                                                 Erika Valencia Jácome
                                                                                              Fifth level
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