Page 106 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 106
Page 106
Desert Dust Desiccant
Part Numbers
Part No Color Barcode
sem-ddust Desert Dust Fly Desiccant 886741048361
SRP $7.68
Specifications Description
• 25ml bottle with brush applicator in lid Desert Dust rejuvenates and dries out flies no matter how
• Combination of inert chemicals to dry and fluoresce waterlogged they have become. Even CDC will dry out in
your fly seconds with Desert Dust. If you fly has been eaten by a trout
clean to remove any excess fish “gunk” with water then drop
your fly into the tub, use the applicator in the lid to push the
powder through the fly and it will dry out rapidly. Keep brushing
until the fly is completely dry. Simply blow away any excess.
Desert Dust is a combination of harmless chemicals designed
to dry your fly and add fluorescence to the fly when fishing.
It’s unique chemical blend will dry and fluoresce your fly.
Desert Dust negates the need to take lots of duplicate flies,
particularly cdc flies which absorb water and sink after multiple
@semperfli @semperfli_flytying/