Page 109 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 109
Nano Silk Tips & Tricks
Nano Silk is an extruded Gel Spun Polyethylene with some secret
ingredients which improve its strength adding to the Nano Silk
difference. Extrusion of GSP threads is much like spaghetti
making, the “dough” in this case polyethylene is pushed through
micro fine holes and stretched.
In exactly the same way we can go into supermarkets and
purchase the value ranges of spaghetti made with standard flour
and the quality spaghetti made with high-protein, finely milled "00"
flour which is used by top chefs to produce the top spaghetti. It is
the top quality ingredients that are combined with our highest
quality polyethylene that gives Nano Silk its additional strength
over other GSP manufacturers. In Nano Silk you will find multiple
strands of ultra fine GSP (17 micro fine strands in the case of 12/0)
which lay perfectly flat
Bobbin Holders
Like all GSP based threads Nano Silk should always be used with a ceramic bobbin holder. This is because the steel and brass
of standard bobbin holders have micro sharp surfaces internally that can cut Nano Silk.
Like All GSP threads Nano Silk is a “slippy” material. Use softer waxes like Overtons Wonder Wax rather than the
harder waxes available in the market.
Cutting Nano Silk
Nano Silk is strong and harder than any traditional fly tying polyester and rayon threads Because of its
strength it should not be cut with your scissors as it will make them blunt over time. Indeed the best way of
protecting your scissor investment is to keep a craft knife or single bladed razor at the side of your vice
where it can be used to cut Nano Silk and other tough materials with the added advantage you can get in
even closer than with even good quality arrow point scissors.
Dubbing Loops
Nano Silk is fantastic for the creation of dubbing
loops to add dubbing to fly bodies. Simply form a
loop of thread and use with your dubbing twister or
split the Nano Silk and finely thread the dubbing
and spin to trap the dubbing to add for your fly.
Check Paul Procter’s excellent tips video.
Thread and Head Build Up
With Nano Silk thread build up is never an issue
even on the smallest of flies. Check out our video
where we wind 50 Denier 12/0 Nano Silk 100 times
around the same small fly hook and there is no
build up whatsoever.
With Nano Silk you can be confident that the
thread will not snap with a strength almost 4x more
than traditional threads like Uni 8/0 with no
difference in thread build up.