Page 112 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 112
Page 112
What Do Semperfli SF Color Codes Mean?
Gary Borger developed the stunning Borger Color System back in the 1980’s to
enable professional fly tyers to compare colors of materials and flies. Remember
this was long before the advent of the Internet and all the modern tools we have
available. The 147 color chips are ideal for natural flies however they do not
extend to the modern colors used or trigger colors use for example vibrant reds,
cornflower blues and color not found in insects and fish in nature. As a result the
Semperfli team developed an extended color chart and gave each color a number.
After all tyer in different parts of the world sometimes interpret colors differently.
With the Semperfli color charts below it is easy to define and match colors.
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