Page 92 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 92
Page 92
Superfine Dubbing
When we created our dubbing we decided we wanted to create
an ultra fine dubbing that could be used to create normal dubbing
or be used as twisted detached bodies. The result was an 80
micron dubbing which is soft, breaks easily to create dubbing or
in its 2” (50mm) strips could be used to create detached bodies
equally easily.
• Superfine just 80 micron in size
• Smooth and gentle dubbing
SRP $3.82 • Easy to break and blend
• Wide range of colors
Part Numbers
Part No Color Barcode Part No Color Barcode
SF0050 Sf0050 Black 886741030540 SF5450 Sf5450 Sunburst Yellow 886741031356
SF0100 Sf0100 Dark Dun 886741030557 SF6000 Sf6000 Dark Olive 886741031387
SF0250 Sf0250 Medium Dun 886741030588 SF6050 Sf6050 Green Olive 886741031394
SF0300 Sf0300 Iron Blue 886741030595 SF6150 Sf6150 Olive 886741031417
SF0350 Sf0350 Light Dun 886741030601 SF6200 Sf6200 Pale Olive 886741031424
SF0400 Sf0400 Pale Grey 886741030618 SF6350 Sf6350 Green 886741031455
SF1200 Sf1200 Polar Bear 886741030854 SF6450 Sf6450 Sage 886741031479
SF1250 Sf1250 Cream 886741030861 SF6550 Sf6550 Golden Olive 886741031493
SF1350 Sf1350 Pale Blue Dun 886741030885 SF6600 Sf6600 Chartreuse 886741031509
SF1400 Sf1400 White 886741030892 SF7150 Sf7150 Green Highlander 886741031554
SF1550 Sf1550 Blue Dun 886741030922 SF7250 Sf7250 Green Rhyacophilla 886741031578
SF2200 Sf2200 Dark Brown 886741030977 SF7400 Sf7400 Pale Sage 886741031608
SF2300 Sf2300 Cinnamon 886741030991 SF8150 Sf8150 Salmon 886741031714
SF2500 Sf2500 Dark Brown 886741031035 SF8200 Sf8200 Salamander Pink 886741031721
SF3200 Sf3200 Claret 886741031073 SF8350 Sf8350 Pink 886741031752
SF3300 Sf3300 Red 886741031097 SF8500 Sf8500 Magenta 886741031776
SF3350 Sf3350 Dark Red 886741053945 SF8600 Sf8600 Ruby 886741031790
SF3400 Sf3400 Scarlet / Red 886741031110 SF-dub-bov Brown Olive Vulgata Blend 886741053907
SF4150 Sf4150 Orange 886741031172 SF-dub-cpg Caddis Pupa Green Blend 886741053914
SF4200 Sf4200 Peach 886741031189 SF-dub-gbb Grey / Brown Blend 886741053891
SF4350 Sf4350 Fire Orange 886741031202 SF10150 Sf10150 Dried Lavender 886741030687
SF5000 Sf5000 Mayfly Yellow 886741031288
@semperfli @semperfli_flytying/