Page 96 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 96
Page 96
Bulk Spools
Part Numbers
Part No Color Barcode
Nano Silk 30D White Bulk
sem-nano30-bulk Spool 500m 886741591805
Nano Silk 50D 12/0 White
sem-nano-wht-bulk Bulk 200m Spool 886741057974
sem-nano-pred-wht- Nano Silk 100D Predator
bulk White Bulk 200m Spool 886741059404
30D SRP $39.99 Description
50D SRP $17.32 Many professional and commercial fly tyers and factories require
bulk materials. To address those needs the team at Semperfli
100D SRP $11.33 has developed its own range of materials in bulk quantities which
will still work on traditional bobbins.
Should you need even higher quantity bulk supplies then please
talk to the team. We supply bulk materials for use in many areas.
Indeed Semperfli materials have been used for furled leaders
through to major cinema films and were even used as part of a
planned Space Sail for NASA !
@semperfli @semperfli_flytying/