Page 95 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 95
Page 95
Flies Tied With Superfine Dubbing
Detached Body Danica Mayfly
Hook Emerger Hook Klinkhåmer
Thread Nano Silk 18/0 white.
Body UV resin extended body with
moose mane sprouts.
Thorax Superfine dubbing brown.
Wing Winter deer hair
Hackle Coachman brown
The perfect fly for when midges are hatching!
Pontus Larsyd
Hatching Olive
Hook: Grub size 14
Thread: Yellow Nano Silk 12/0
Shuck & Butt: Pearl Micro Glint
Body: Olive Superfine Dubbing
Wing: Natural CdC
Thorax: Hare’s fur
Deadly when Olives / Baetis are Hatching with
Paul Procter the Pearl Micro Glint acting as a stunning shuck