P. 24

 External works of supernatural power are meaningless as an identifier of True Christianity. The first antidote to betrayal is the observable love for the universal Church and the desire for unity. This is the condition that Jesus gives His people as containing the marks of True Christianity.
Material gain can also be expressed in a desire for the status quo and for rational control over ones future destiny. The focus on security, insurance, and personal comfort can be the means by which the Christian chooses to turn his back on the poor. When we turn our backs on the poor we betray Our Lord Jesus Christ. When you serve the poor and oppressed you serve Jesus.
As a force, the desire for the material is so spiritual it opens the individual and whole communities to deception and ultimately control by Satan. Greed for a comfortable life, security through personal liberty, and happiness as the prime pursuit of the heart, leaves the individual open to control by all that is evil. That is why Jesus makes a condition of discipleship, ?IF?you will follow me you will need to, ?Deny yourself take up your Cross and Follow me?.
Most betrayal is within the context of friendship. Most betrayal is masked by hypocrisy in the realm of friendship. Therefore, if you love your enemies, you will by default love your friends.
Betrayal can never be justified. Betrayal is always an action of the free will of the betrayer even when he is saturated with the demonic. Judas did not need to have Satan or a demon cast out of him. That is always the easy way out. Judas needed to repent. When we tell the truth concerning our sin the power of Satan is broken. Walking in the Light with Christ and each other is our goal for spiritual survival.
Eucharistic Socialism is: Choosing not to follow the Spirit of the Age even when it is intertwined with religious language but rather to heed the antidotes to betrayal that our Lord Jesus Christ gave to us as His people.

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