P. 26

 The sheer weight of the moment causes the skies to withhold their light in shame. But then comes the Transcendental Key Change.
Knowledge ceases. Vikings and Philosophers kneel. The Pre- modern, Modern, and Post-modern collapses in helpless silence as there is no explanation. No understanding. The Gadfly and the Watchmaker weep as they have no words.
Satan, Sin, Death, and the Scrolls of the Law all become one in the presence of the Cross. The Hand of the dying Christ reaches and grabs the enemies of the Holy.
Satan, Sin, Death and the Scrolls of The Law begin to wrestle to try and wrench themselves free from the iron-like grip of the Eternal Son of God.
Then, words that changed the universe forever are uttered. ?It is finished?. The power of the sound of His voice causes an earthquake on the land but a greater one in the hidden mysteries of eternity.
The Son of God leaps into the grave holding in his hands the power of the Evil one, the sins of the world, and the handwriting of the Law that was against the human race.
Total depravity itself is defeated and the depraved are liberated by the leap of Christ into His Tomb.
Unconditional Love pours forth from the Throne of God and engulfs the Human Race.
Limited atonement is replaced by an unlimited authority that is unleashed and that crushes the head of the serpent, casting him into the chains of defeat.
Irresistible Grace pours into mankind producing a new level of freedom through the elevation of a new volition to choose to follow God, in all things.
Persevering power, pours passion and praise into the porous palms of a precious pining populace.
As the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ is taken down from the Cross, the fragrance of the perfume poured from the alabaster box by Mary of Bethany could still be smelt above the stench of death.
The true events become an everlasting sacred Symbol. The Cross, the Cross, Oh that glorious Cross: worn around the neck, mimed with hands that draw its form, bowed to at the Holy Altar, decorating the building with joy, written in blood by Holy Martyrs, and raised with humble majesty wherever pilgrims tread.
The fragrance of the perfume is now smelt and sensed by the world around us as the fragrance of Our Lord Jesus Christ is seen, sensed, and felt within a community of love, a community of truth, a community of worship, and a community of service.

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