P. 25

Vikings and Philosophers Kneel
The flowers and plants on and around the Hill of Calvary closed and retreated into their buds. Small animals ran and hid in shame and embarrassment into little holes in the ground. The very skies bowed in horror and became dark.
Every demon seemed to be energised with evil joy. The Prince of Darkness rode into Jerusalem on a chariot made of glorious fallen angels.
No one knows, with the exception of the Triune God, what was taking place and what transaction was being made.
As the pundits began to analyse, they were stopped by the sheer mystery of the existential moment filled with the presence of ?I Am?entering into a state of propitiation.
The smell of blood was everywhere; also the smell of sweat. Also, the abiding fragrance of the perfume that had been poured upon the feet of Our Blessed Lord Jesus by Mary from Bethany. It all came together in some mysterious blending of beauty and filth.
Then comes the central and focal point of history.
The sins of the world are placed upon the Lord Jesus. The most graphic term the Scriptures can conjure is, ?And He became sin?.
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit all experienced God- forsakenness. There is no rending of the Godhead; the Godhead does not rend. Love, in unique mystery, interacts within the Persons of The Holy Trinity. The flesh of Incarnation, through adoption of the sins of the world, is pushed to breaking point.
The cry or loud shouting gasp, ?My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken me?, brings to fulfilment the prophecy of Psalm 22.
The Cosmos ruptures as words uttered in suffocating pain proceed from an Incarnate mouth belonging to the same Spirit that once before had said, ?Let there be Light?.
The Father does not turn His back on His Son. Rather, there is the breaking of the heart of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In some mysterious way ?Divine Love?rips sin to pieces through the multi- dimensional structures of heaven and earth.
The forensic theologians of all time are struck dumb. Only the fool tries to speculate the fullness of the actions, ontology, and outcomes of the Atonement.
The Chariot holding the Prince of Darkness comes to the Calvary?s Hill. Every vile imagination is hurled at the ?Suffering Servant Christ?by all that is evil in the universe. The aura of evil, the presence of wickedness, and the stench of iniquity are uniquely placed upon and into our Lord Jesus Christ.

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