Page 19 - 2017AAA Perfect Pallet Wrapping_v24 verison 3
P. 19
Machine Features that will further Increase Efficiency
• Built in scales in the turntable allows you to weight the pallet while wrapping to avoid double handling
• Remote control to adjust settings while on forklift
• Automatic film cutter at the end of wrapping cycle
• Automatic film catcher at the end of cycle so next cycle can begin without attaching the
film to the load
• Power pre-stretch allows maximum yield from film, stretching over 400%
Labour Required
Hand Semi-Automatic Automatically Automatically
Wrapping Methods
Wrapping Machine Cut Film Attach & Cut Film
Labour Required 4 minutes 3 minutes 2.5 minutes 2 minutes
Potential Labour Cost Savings over 5 years
10 Pallets per Day $5,208.33 $7,812.50 $10,416.66
20 Pallets per Day $10,416.67 $15,625.00 $20,833.33
30 Pallets per Day $15,625.00 $24,437.50 $31,250.00
50 Pallets per Day $26,041.67 $39,062.50 $52,083.33
Based on $25/hr labour rate, 250 working days per year.