Page 25 - 2017AAA Perfect Pallet Wrapping_v24 verison 3
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Patent Rack & Pinion System
Our system was engineered with
precision to ensure its an unbreakable
Reduces Film Usage by Over and safe mechanical system. The
50% gearbox is designed so its mechanically
irreversible, as the carriage moves with
Stretch Yields to over 400% with the
state of the art pre-stretch system. Used the gearbox it cannot reverse. As a
with Omni Stretch Film you can wrap result, it is impossible for the carriage
more pallets with less film. to fall down unless the shaft of the
pinion breaks. Standard machines is a
belt driven mechanics which regularly
need to be replaced due to wearing
out and breaking contrasting with our
International Award Winner maintenance free chain driven turn
The Omni Pallet Wrappers have
received multiple awards recognizing
its outstanding innovation and world
leading technology. 2014 Taropak
Award, 2015 APPMA Award, 2017 PIDA Programming Options
The extensive programming options
gives you the ability to wrap your
products the way that suits your own
specific needs. This also allows you to
calculate your usage of your wrap,
a perfect tool for analyzing your
costing per pallet wrapped. Password
protected control panel gives you the
ability to ensure isn’t interference to the
machine settings.
Warranty & Servicing
Extensive and generous warranties are
available to complement the safest
and most reliable stretch wrapping
equipment available as well as a full
backup servicing team.
Neck Down System
The term ‘neckdown’ refers to the width reduction of the
film after being stretched. The neckdown is usually higher
when the film is pre-stretched but our unique rubber rollers
grip and lines system has been designed to prevent the
film from reducing its width while being pre-stretched
therefore increase stretch yield over 400%.