Page 42 - The wicked things to God
P. 42

                                The wicked things to God

               his heart, and then he went back to them and returned the

               money and insisted that He was innocent, but he could not
               restore the situation, so he hanged himself to pay his sin
               with his life. To try to pay back with his death! It means he
               was trying to handle with his death because he felt the prick
               of conscience. Like this, the Bible tells us clearly in various

               ways what is faith and how we believe. It tells us clearly
               that anyone who as a sinner doesn’t follow Jesus, but who
               believes for the worldly things and who believes by his own
               conscience for the purpose of the world, does not relate to
               Jesus, nor can become a sinner, nor can repent. Now, how

               much more evidence should I give to you? Unless human
               becomes a sinner thoroughly, eventually he becomes a
               betrayer of Jesus because he believes by his conscience.
                    Judas Iscariot saw that Jesus healed all diseases while

               he had followed Him for three years. He knew that Jesus cast
               out all demons. He knew that Jesus made the storm calm,
               and ordered the fig tree to wither, and walked on the storm.
               He knew that Jesus was the one who did the miraculous sign
               that He fed five thousand people with five barley loaves and

               two fish. Judas himself was given the power by Jesus, so he
               had experienced to drive out demons. He had witnessed that
               Jesus raised Lazarus, who was in the tomb with having a bad
               odor, and that He raised many others too. He saw that Jesus

               performed the power that only God can do. Also, he saw and

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