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Social Distancing rules make staying connected The training division is undergoing exciting change!
tough, but with a little creativity, you can stay in The growth and relocation of the department
touch with your loved ones and friends!! Here are a promises new and improved training and
few ideas to help get you through quarantine. development for Hope employees.
#1 Participate in a heart or rainbow hunt: Meet the training team:
People across the US are placing hearts
and rainbows in their home windows in an
effort to show love and support. Get Josh Rock – Training Specialist
creative and hang some of your own hearts
and rainbows in the front window of your
home then take your family on a walk to see Josh serves as the Training Specialist for The Hope
how many you can spot in School Company. Josh coordinates the training of
your neighborhood! DSPs, leads training sessions on a variety of topics
and supports new hires following their release into
#2 Play virtual games with friends online! There Hope’s Community Homes. Josh began working for
are some fabulous classics and some Hope in 2010 as a Habilitation Specialist and has
interesting new ones! Try downloading the
free app House Party, where you can served also as an Education Specialist and Lead
access a plethora of games like Chips & Teacher Aide.
Guac, Trivia, Heads up, and Quick Draw!
Here is a list of more FREE favorites! Anneliese Nash – Training Manager
Uno –
Mario Kart Tour – Anneliese is the Training Manager of The Hope
School Company, supporting new hire training, in
Cards Against Humanity (family friendly
version) – addition to leading annual and supervisory
training. Anneliese began working for Hope in 2018,
Yahtzee –
as the Benefits Specialist. Anneliese obtained her
Catan – Master’s Degrees in Business Administration and
#3 Drive-by Parades: Do you have a loved one Master of Science in Management & Organization
you are missing? Know someone who can’t Behavior from Benedictine University.
celebrate a special occasion? Just going stir
crazy? Pull out the old party supplies and Natalie Donaldson – Training Manager
decorate your vehicle! Drive by your friends
and families houses or just spread cheer
throughout your neighborhood! Natalie is the Training Manager of the Hope
#4 Host a Virtual Netflix Movie Party: Visit Clinical Care Company, supporting new hire
training, in addition to managing the registration, install the party app, invite
your friends, choose a movie, and start process for Behavior Technicians in Hope’s Autism
the party! The app synchronizes the movie Clinics and Therapy Relief at Hope. Natalie began
along with all pause/playback commands working for Hope in 2016 as a Behavior Technician,
AND it adds a group chat bar that allows moving into the Clinician role soon after. She has
you to real time comment/chat! (You need a been providing ABA therapy to children and
Netflix account and a home computer) families since 2010. Natalie has a Bachelor of Arts
in Psychology from SIUE.
#5 Host a virtual anything!! Hope on free apps
like Zoom or Facetime, have a dance party,
read a book together, or just chat.