Page 5 - The Learning Center - Administrator Job Aid
P. 5

The Learning Center
                                       Administrator Job Aid

              c  Contact Details: For
                your email address,
                please provide an email
                account you will have
                consistent access to
                for any future updates
                or communications
                regarding access or
                training initiatives

             d  Attributes: Select your
                position at the clinic
                Once selected, click
                on the ‘Add’ link at the
                bottom of the box and it
                will populate over to the
                “Selected” section  You
                are also required to enter
                your Hire Date in this

           4  After entering all the
             required information, click
             the “Submit” button on the
             top right corner of the page
             and the new user account
             will be created

        © 2019 The Joint Corp. All Rights Reserved.            5                                  Published on:  05/31/2019
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