Page 3 - Training Style Guide _9_26_19
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        Mission Statement

        eLearning Mission
        To promote and support employee development
        and organizational effectiveness by creating high-
        quality training, designed to meet individual, group,
        or departmental needs and objectives. We strive to
        enhance learning and development as the means for
        creating a more efficient and effective workplace
        environment and to strengthen The Joint as a whole.

        This guide serves as a reminder of that mission. In it
        are standards and best practices for creating training
        for guides, eLessons, videos, photos, graphics, and
        more. We have created this guide as a way to promote
        consistency and branding between the different training
        methods. Every new training piece should follow this
        style guide.

        Why Consistency Is Important
        Through consistent standards and delivery, our patients
        have come to expect a certain level of customer service
        at our clinics. Likewise, our learners expect the same in
        the training they receive. Consistency builds trust. The
        training we produce should have a consistent look and
        feel in order to build trust. In other words, consistency
      GUIDE PURPOSE  establishes our reputation as trainers and educators.

                                                                                                                                 © 2019 The Joint Corp. All Rights Reserved.
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