Page 8 - Training Style Guide _9_26_19
P. 8

        Using Talent

        USE OF EMPLOYEES IN TRAINING                                              Use the these guidelines when considering the use of
        When possible we want to involve The Joint employees                      employees in any training:
        in our training. This involvement allows employees to feel                    1.  All talent will be required to sign a release.
        ownership of the training they will eventually consume.                          Participation is voluntary but signing the release is not.
        On the flip-side, it is important that we balance the
        needs of the business with employees’ concerns over                                  •  See Patricia Hladik for the Talent Release Form.
        privacy.                                                                      2.  If employee is terminated from the company, their

                                                                                         likeness will be removed from the affected training.

                                                                                      3.  If employee leaves the company under good conditions
                                                                                         and requests their likeness be removed from any training
                                                                                         they appear in, we honor the request.
                                                                                      4.  If the video, audio or photo is of the individual showing
        if                                                                               the job title and endorsing the Joint or a department, we

        If                                                                               remove it.
                                                                                      5.  There may be times when we select an employee to host
                                                                                         a training video, podcast or voiceover. Should this person
                                                                                         leave the company, we may still use their likeness in
                                                                                      training unless 1, 2, or 3 applies.

                                                                                      6.  Refrain from using any job titles in photos, voiceovers, or
                                                                                         video productions.
      LEGAL - USING TALENT                                               
                                                                                   If you have any questions or concerns please contact patricia.

                                                                                                                                 © 2019 The Joint Corp. All Rights Reserved.
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