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     Kenneth J. Fronheiser, PLS             Kevin Hanley, PLS                      Jason M. Larson, LS
     Kenneth J. Fronheiser, PLS is a professional licensed   Kevin Hanley is a registered professional Land   Mr. Larson has over 34 years of experience in
     land surveyor in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania   Surveyor in NY, MA, and RI. Kevin has more than 50   surveying, having started while in high school
     with over 17 years of land surveying experience.   years’ experience, primarily in the United States,   as a draftsman for a local surveyor. After several
     During that time, Ken has been responsible for a wide   but his initial work experience was in Britain, West   years working in the industry, he graduated from
     variety of surveying projects including Topographical,   Africa, and Ireland. He was the founding principal   the University of Florida with a BS in Surveying
     Boundary, Construction Layout, RTK/GPS, GIS   of a small surveying firm in Massachusetts and   and Mapping in 1998. He progressed through the
     mapping, Bathometric, and Laser Scanning. Ken has   directed the surveying activities for almost 30 years   years from Draftsman, Crew Chief, CADD Tech/Data
     worked for a variety of clients that span from private,   until the firm was acquired in 2018. He was the   Processor, Project Surveyor, Control Manager, Project
     public, educational institutions, and government   visionary behind the acquisition of laser scanning   Manager, HDS Manager, to Director of Survey. Jason
     agencies. In July 2014, Ken joined Keystone Precision   and mobile LiDAR systems. Kevin has presented   moved to NYC in 2005 and has worked there since.
     Solutions (KPS). Since joining KPS, he is responsible   technical papers at NYSAPLS Conferences, ASCE   He is active with NYSAPLS in the Delaware Hudson
     for internal/external education, leading the growing
     KPS Support Team and working with customers to   Conferences and at Trimble Dimensions.  Regional and is a member of several committees
     integrate the latest Trimble and Spectra Precision                            including Education, Legislative, and is the current
     line of products. Ken is a 1999 graduate of the   Michael Hyman               chairman of the MTS Committee.
     Pennsylvania College of Technology with degrees in   Mr. Hyman is the Regional Director at Carlson
     Surveying and Civil Engineering. In his spare time,   Software Inc. for NY and PA. At Carlson Software,   Patrick J. Magee, LS
     he enjoys being outdoors, coaching baseball and   Mike is focused on the Land Survey, Civil Engineering,   Patrick J. Magee, LS is a Graduate of Paul Smiths
     spending time with family.             and Construction market segments. Mr. Hyman is   College and Alfred State College. Currently, he
                                            a 1991 graduate of Alfred State College in Land   manages the New York State Department of
     Patrick Gahagan                        Surveying. Additionally, his responsibilities continually   Transportation’s Main Office Land Surveying/
     Patrick Gahagan has been a Senior Solution Engineer   got him involved in working with Land Surveying   CORS Section. Responsibilities include developing
     at Esri for 20 years, working with the City of New   technology for both the field and the office. Now at   and documenting land surveying standards and
     York and other large cities along the east coast. He   Carlson Software Inc., Mr. Hyman is involved at many   procedures for DOT: providing equipment, software,
     is a specialist in 3D, CAD, BIM and more recently   levels in the Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, and   training, and support to the department’s regional
     laser scanning, drone mapping, and Indoors GIS.   Construction industries where he lectures, supports,   land surveying staff; and partnering with the
     Patrick builds demonstrations and proof of concept   and presents innovative solutions to the industry   National Geodetic Survey (NGS) to coordinate
     applications that creatively integrate content from   related to Carlson Software products and services.  geodetic surveying efforts and maintenance of
     multiple platforms and develops best practices for                            New York States Spatial Reference Network. This
     new technologies that integrate with ArcGIS. He   Kristopher M. Kline, PLS    work includes managing NYSNet, a network of
     also occasionally is assigned to prepare customers   Kristopher M. Kline is President of 2Point, Inc. He has   continuously operating GPS reference stations
     to present at the plenary session of the Esri User   a Bachelor of Science degree (class of ’84) in general   (CORS) used by land surveyors across the state to
     Conference in San Diego, CA. Patrick grew up in Ohio,   science from Bridgewater College in Bridgewater,   connect surveys to the National Spatial Reference
     where he received a BA degree (Geography) from                                Network (NSRS). He previously worked for the
     Kent State University in 1998. Before having kids, he   VA. He has been involved in the surveying profession   New York State Department of Environmental
     was an Adjunct Professor at Philadelphia University   since graduation. Licensed in North Carolina in
     (now Jefferson) teaching geo-design and procedure   1991, Kris is a 1999 graduate of the North Carolina   Conservation as the Land Surveyor in the Ray Brook,
     modeling. He currently lives in one of the many lake   Society of Surveyors (N.C.S.S.) Institute, a three-  NY office, as well as operated a small consulting
     communities in Denville, NJ and has recently used   year continuing education program that for many   firm for several years.
     GIS to help save his 34-acre lake club property   years drew national attention for the quality of its
     from closing and getting his 4-varieance application   curriculum and instructors. Kris chaired the N.C.S.S.   Dawn F. McCall, GISP
     approved unanimously by the local zoning board of   Education Committee for three years. In 2001,   Dawn F. McCall, GISP has been a Geographical
     adjustment after using a story map and presenting   Kris began offering continuing education courses   Information Systems Professional for over 25
     the testimony himself.                 in North Carolina on legal aspects of retracement.   years. She currently is the Director of GIS Services
                                            More recently, his teaching career has expanded   at Control Point Associates, Inc. and supports GIS
     Eric Greppo, PE                        to include conferences and seminars nationwide.   needs throughout the entire corporate footprint from
     Eric Greppo, PE is the Executive Secretary of the   Course offerings now include a broad range of topics,   Maine to Virginia. She has extensive knowledge in
     New York State Boards for Engineering, Land   including adverse possession and other unwritten   GIS and Land Records with experience in project
     Surveying, Geology, and Interior Design since   rights, riparian law, mineral rights, and courtroom   management, database management, and systems
     2022. The State Boards for the professions assist   preparation. In 2011, he began publishing the   integration. Dawn has over 13 years dedicated to
     the Regents and the Education Department on   column “Unmistakable Marks” in Point of Beginning   facilities and land-related issues relating to GIS
     all aspects of professional education, licensing,   magazine. In 2013, he published his first book   integration. Dawn is actively involved in many
     practice, and discipline for over one million licensed   “Rooted in Stone: The Development of Adverse   GIS and Surveying professional organizations
     professionals, in more than 50 health, business and   Possessions in 20 Easter States and the District of   including NYSAPLS, URISA International, DGDC,
     design professions. Mr. Greppo holds a BS Degree in   Columbia”. His second book “Riparian Boundaries and   eDUG, GeoMUG, NJSPLS, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter
     Civil Engineering, has been a licensed Professional   Rights of Navigation,” includes extensive discussion   of the Urban and Regional Information Systems
     Engineer in New York since 2007, and has over   of the many definitions of the term “navigable.” Kris’   Association (MAC URISA), where she spent 20 years
     20 years of engineering experience that includes   third (and latest) book was released in 2016: “How to   on the board holding many positions from Trustee
     private design consulting in land development   Fix a Boundary Line”, which chronicles variations in   to President and is the current President of the New
     and water resources, and engineering roles with   the legal mechanisms related to unwritten property   York State GIS Association.
     the DEC Bureau of Design and Construction and   rights across the United States.
     the Department of Corrections and Community
     Supervision technical services unit.

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