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     Douglas L. Aaberg, PLS                 J. Peter Borbas, PLS, PP               Michael Carris, LSIT
     Doug Aaberg is a licensed Professional Land   Peter Borbas graduated with an AAS in Forestry in   Michael Carris, LSIT, is currently a Channel
     Surveyor in the states of Massachusetts and   1977 from Paul Smiths College. He is a licensed   Performance Manager for Trimble, Inc. With over 30
     Colorado and has been in the Land Surveying/  surveyor in New York and New Jersey, as well as   years of experience in the surveying, engineering
     Civil Engineering business his entire career, which   a licensed Professional Planner in New Jersey.   and construction industry Mr. Carris manages and
     began in 1977. He has been using Carlson Software   He is the chair of the advisory board for the four-  supports the SITECH dealer distribution channel
     exclusively since 1998 and has become an expert in   year degree surveying program at the New Jersey   with the Trimble Civil Engineering and Construction
     applying the constantly expanding world of Carlson’s   Institute of Technology and a longtime advisory   (CEC) product portfolio. Starting his career in the
     programming to the everyday “workflow” of land   board member at Paul Smiths College. Peter is a   United State Marine Corps, where he was introduced
     surveyors and engineers. After enjoying life as a   past chair of the American Congress on Surveying   to land surveying, Mr. Carris continued to develop
     15-year owner of his own company, he now joins  and Mapping, a past president of the Geographic   his knowledge and experience within the industry
     the Carlson team as a Sr. Product Manager and will  and Land Information Society and past chair of the   to become a sought-after technology consultant
     be sharing experience and knowledge to assist in  NJSPLS GIS/LIS Committee.   providing training and consulting services for
     ensuring that Carlson continues to be the leading                             surveying, civil engineering, and construction firms
     software available for land surveyors and engineers.  Richard C. Brooks, LS   around the world. Mr. Carris continues to draw
                                            Richard Brooks, LS is a Land Surveyor licensed and   upon his experience to educate the industry on best
     Laura E. Ayers, Esq                    practicing in New York State and is a co-presenter   practices and interoperability of engineering and
     New York Attorney, Laura E. Ayers, focuses her law   of the NYS-Specific LS Exam Review Workshop.   construction technology for Trimble.
     practice on real property. Actively at the helm of her   Licensed in 1984, he is a Senior Project Manager
     own law firm since 2010, Laura has over 19 years   for Control Point Associates. Formerly he was Vice   Thomas E. Cerchiara, Jr., LS
     of experience dealing with the special issues that   President of Brooks & Brooks Land Surveyors, P.C.   Tom is a Professional Land Surveyor with 23 years
     arise in complex real property disputes and is often   As a third-generation Land Surveyor, his family   of experience working on infrastructure, energy,
     retained as special counsel or as an expert witness.   has been practicing for 108 years. Richard has   and public works projects in New York. With over
     Laura is a frequent lecturer on various real property   authored 10 articles related to surveying matters   10 years of drone and terrestrial photogrammetry
     topics including Highway Law, Easement Law, and   for the Empire State Surveyor and is a frequent   experience, he is an expert in collecting and
     Boundary Line Disputes for the New York State   seminar presenter. He routinely presents continuing   processing data to achieve the best possible results.
     Bar Association, among others. Laura received her   education programs to land surveyors, realtors,   Tom has long been an advocate for technologies that
     Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry and Biophysics   and attorneys. He has developed over 18 titles   help advance digital transformation with solutions
     from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and her Juris   pertinent to the Land Surveying profession. He   that are cost-efficient and easily deployable,
     Doctor from Albany Law School of Union University.  served as an Adjunct Professor for SUNY Ulster’s   including photogrammetry, augmented reality, and
                                            Land Surveying degree program until it was sunset   computer vision. Currently, he is the Senior Technical
     John S. Boddecker, LS                  in 2018. Richard is a member of: the Mid-Hudson   Specialist for North America at Pix4D, where he
     John (Steve) Boddecker, LS is Fisher Associates, PE,   Valley Land Surveyors Association (MHVLSA), the   focuses on deploying geospatial solutions in the
     LS, LA DPC’s Vice President and Director of Geomatics   NYS Association of Professional Land Surveyors   infrastructure, utilities, and construction industries.
     where he provides leadership and strategic directions   (NYSAPLS), the National Society of Professional
     to the Land Surveyors and GIS Teams. His duties   Surveyors (NSPS), the NYS GIS Association, the   Elisabetta DeGironimo, GISP
     also include the principal of Health and Safety for the   Vermont Society of Land Surveyors (VSLS), and the   Lis is the Director of Geospatial Services with NYS
     firm. Based out of Fisher’s Buffalo New York office he   Surveyors Historical Society. He is the New York   and Acting Geographic Information Officer. With
     routinely spends time in one of their 5 other offices in   State coordinator for the national Certified Survey   over 30 years’ experience in both public and private
     New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. With more than   Technician (CST) program. In 2010, NYSAPLS   sectors, Lis has worked on GIS projects in the U.S.,
     40 years of experience in Land Surveying, he has   honored him with their Surveyor of the Year award   Venezuela, Egypt, El Salvador, and Mexico. She is a
     been fortunate to have worked on a very wide variety   for his exemplary contributions to the profession of   board member of the GIS Certification Institute and an
     of projects from large to small both on the boundary   Land Surveying. In 2022, he was recognized for his   adjunct instructor at SUNY Polytechnic in Utica. Lis is
     side of the fence as well as the engineering. Today,   contributions to NSPS CST Program.  the Executive Director, and a former member of the
     much of his time is spent running the group and                               NYS Geospatial Advisory Council. She is the co-chair
     mentoring more senior staff, while working closely   Caegen J. Burnett, LS    of the NYS Geospatial Summit organizing committee
     with Fisher’s three sector and three other service lines.   Caegen Burnett, LS, is a Project Manager at Foit-  and was formerly the national chairperson of the
     Professionally, Steve has been a licensed surveyor   Albert Associates Architecture, Engineering and   Esri/Wastewater/Stormwater GIS Users Group and a
     since 1990, first in NY, then in NJ (1995) and then KY   Surveying, P.C.  Licensed in 2022, he graduated   director for the NYS GIS Association.
     (2020). He has served in the leadership of his regional,   from Paul Smith’s College in 2011 with an
     Niagara Frontier Land Surveyors Association (NFLSA)   Associates in Surveying.  He is a member of the New
     through President in 1997 and again in 2024 and   York State Association of Professional Surveyors
     the New York State Association of Professional Land   (NYSAPLS), National Society of Professional
     Surveyors (NYSAPLS) 2012-2013. He continues to   Surveyors (NSPS), and Mid-Hudson Association of
     serve NYSAPLS as Chairman of the Political Action   Land Surveyors (MHVLSA). He currently serves as
     Committee and the Workforce Development Committee,   the Secretary for MHVLSA.
     and as a member of the Finance and Nominations &
     Awards committees. He is also the Vice President of the
     Shaw Fund. Outside the professional world, Steve lives
     on a small farm with his partner where they manage
     to keep seven horses and a pony, 3 dogs, too many
     cats and a variety of semi wild animals depending on
     if you feed them or not. He is an avid fly fisherman and
     western lifestyle enthusiast.
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