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      Wednesday, January 17, 2024           Introduction to CST

               morning sessions             NY CE: n/a
                                            Richard C. Brooks, LS
                                            8:00am – 9:30am
     Terrestrial Photogrammetry:            Whether you are an active Certified Survey
     Accurate Reality Capture with Your     Technician (CST), a technician who wants to be
     Mobile Phone                           a step above your peers or a business owner
     NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ Pending  looking for a program to instill professionalism
     Thomas E. Cerchiara, Jr., LS           in their technicians, or just looking for another
     8:00am – 9:30am                        competitive advantage to win a bid, this
     Photogrammetry is not just limited to aerial   program will be of value to you. This awareness
     platforms. Modern mobile devices contain high   level presentation will introduce the attendees
     quality cameras and increasingly have LiDAR   to the program history, the multiple career
     and depth sensors built in. When combined with   paths available to technicians and the exam   Why a 100' Measured Yesterday May
     high accuracy GNSS systems, these mobile   application process. Testing techniques will
     devices can quickly collect accurate data for   be explored, and attendees are encouraged to   Not be a 100' Today
     utilities, infrastructure, inspection, as-builts,   bring a laptop to log into and explore various   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT & NJ Pending
     construction, and more. By utilizing these readily   CST informational and training sites. Attendees   Richard C. Brooks, LS
     available devices, we can reduce project delays,   will participate in a discussion of the return on   10:30am – 12:00pm
     capture better documentation of utilities, and   investment a firm can expect by offering this   This presentation will examine the evolution of
     lay the foundations for the digital infrastructure.   program to their survey and office technicians.  land measurements in New York and their affect
     We will explore how the workflows for terrestrial                             upon modern day boundary line determinations.
     photogrammetry are similar to existing drone   NYSAPLS Conference             We will review the essential elements of a
     workflows and cover the best practices for   Welcome Presentation             deed and the importance of deciphering the
     data collecting and processing. Specific use   9:45am – 10:15am               documents true intent. Discussion of the
     cases will be presented highlighting benefits for   Join your fellow conference attendees in this   responsibility of being a retracement surveyor
     customers and the lessons learned.     welcome presentation. Meet NYSAPLS leadership   and how to apply the theories of boundary line
                                            while learning what’s new and on the horizon for   determination to historical property descriptions.
     Establishment of Survey Control        our association and annual conference.  Common law provides several rules that guide
                                                                                   the courts when they interpret a property
     NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ Pending                                     decision. These Rules of Construction will be
     Jason M. Larson, LS                    GIS and Survey Roundtable              explored with the focus on how our modern
     8:00am – 9:30am                        NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  measurements play into our final boundary
     This course will cover: evaluating the project   Dawn F. McCall, GISP         determination. The history of Surveyors and
     needs, project mission planning, post processing   10:30am – 12:00pm          their measuring techniques will be discussed.
     of collected data, adjustment, and reporting of   Members of the Surveying and GIS industry join   As professionals we all know that every court
     the results for the establishment of high order   our moderator to discuss the synergy between   case involving a boundary line dispute ends with
     survey control.                        the Surveying and GIS professions. Our panelists   the court comparing your survey of a particular
                                            include NY Surveyors and members of the NY   property to that property’s creating document.
     Researching Case Law                   State GIS Association. Each panelist will share
     NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT & NJ Pending  their experience and thoughts on topics related   Surveying for Heavy Civil Construction
     Laura E. Ayers, Esq.                   to how Surveyors and GIS Professionals can   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
     8:00am – 9:30am                        work well together on projects, the relationship   Michael Carris, LSIT
     Practical approach to researching legal issues   between the two professions, the challenges   10:30am – 12:00pm
     within New York State case law. Topics to be   each profession faces moving into the future,   Technology used today by heavy civil
     addressed will include an overview of both   and the role of technology and how each   contractors has expanded far beyond just
     the State and Federal court systems in NY, the   profession can move into the future stronger.  requiring a surface. Dozers, excavators, drilling/
     jurisdiction of the courts and the citation formats                           piling machines, skid steers, and even milling
     used by various courts. This seminar will                                     and paving machines are using technology to
     primarily focus on how to find case law relative                              increase productivity and construction efficiency.
     to a specific topic within a local law library or                             However, the gains are only achievable if they
     law school library.
                                                                                   have good clean data. In this class, the surveyor
                                                                                   will learn the requirements for supporting heavy
                                                                                   civil contractors throughout the construction
                                                                                   of the projects as well as how to use the data
                                                                                   being captured by these machines for mapping
                                                                                   and as-built processing.
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