Page 16 - 2024-Conf-Brochure-FINAL_Neat
P. 16
$100 prize
Submit one entry map in the following category: for our
Each submission will be for one entry in one category. Viewers Choice Regulations
1. Must be completed in calendar
A. Lot Survey/CAD year 2023
B. Topographic Survey/CAD 2. Design details and engineering
C. Subdivision Plan/CAD construction details will not be reviewed
D. Miscellaneous Maps (Free Hand, Leroy, CAD, Colored Road Maps, 3. Title blocks should not be blocked out
Planning Zoning/Land Use, Tax Maps, Site Plans, Civil 3D, 4. All maps must bear the name and seal of a
3D Laser Survey, “Anything Goes”, etc. that is signed by PLS/PE/CLA) licensed land surveyor, except category H
E. Hand Drawn Lot Survey 5. Entries shall be unmounted and include
F. Boundary and Topographic Survey one rolled print and one folded print
G. ALTA/ACSM Survey 6. Entries must indicate category and be
H. North Arrow Contest [8 ½ “ x 12” Sheet Size] accompanied by an official entry form and
*All above entries will also be entered in our overall "Viewers Choice" category. fee of $25.00 per category
Contest Information 7. One entry is allowed per category, per
individual or company
Contestant Name _________________________________________________ 8. All entries will be displayed at the annual
Company _______________________________________________________ conference
9. Winning entries will be announced at the
Address ________________________________________________________
annual conference
City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________ 10. Winners will receive an award certificate,
Home Phone ____________________________________________________ recognition in the Empire State Surveyor
and entered in the national map contest
Business Phone __________________________________________________ administered by NSPS
E-Mail _________________________________________________________ 11. Maps and fees must be postmarked
by December 15, 2023. Late entries will
Title of Map Entry_________________________________________________ not be judged. Fees are not refundable
Name/Address of Local Newspaper ____________________________________ 12. All decisions of the judges are final
Judging Criteria
Enclosed is one rolled print* and one folded print* A four person panel will review all entries
for the category entered and a check or money order in based on the following:
the amount of $25 payable to NYSAPLS, Inc.; 1. Compliance with the Code of Practice
146 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210. as published by NYSAPLS, Inc., seventh
revision, updated July 18, 1997
2. Originality: any unusual situation, depicted
*Please be sure to list contestant name, clearly, unusual techniques
title of map and submission category 3. Overall appearance: neatness, balance,
on back top right corner of each map.
4. Title: name well defined
5. Lettering: clear, unmistakable