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NYSAPLS job postings online –
Eastern Long Island Land Surveying firm for sale. 64 years of
records from two surveying firms covering the western to central Are you looking for a surveying job, or looking to hire
parts of Town of Southampton. someone new? Are you interested in buying a land surveying
business, or have one you wish to sell? Check out the newest
Two field crews with robotic instruments and vehicles. Three job listings and classifieds found on our website, www.
survey techs and two office staff. Eight week backlog. Owner will
help with transition. For more information, call 631-653-4066
or email
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Associate Member Spotlight
Evan J. Moreno
Northport, NY
Evan Moreno always had a penchant for In late 2017, Evan made GdB history when he became
reading maps, measuring distances, and the youngest employee to be promoted to a Survey Party
plotting a course. While these skills and Chief position. As a Survey Party Chief, Evan led the
love for the outdoors first manifested in effort to expand GdB’s Geospatial services offerings, with
the parks and trails of Rockland County professional development for 3D Laser Scanning of high-
as a child, they quickly became a vocational calling for his traffic roadways, residential areas, and building interiors. In
pursuit of a career in Land Surveying and Geomatics. January 2017, Evan further expanded his skills by becoming
a FAA Certified Remote Pilot. In 2018, Evan continued to
Evan attended SUNY Oneonta, graduating in 2012 with a take on new roles at GdB including writing proposals while
Bachelor of Science degree in Geography and a concentration shadowing GdB’s highly experienced project managers. Evan
in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Knowing he was soon promoted to the role of Assistant Project Manager.
wanted to pursue a career in Land Surveying, Evan moved to
Long Island for an opportunity to join the growing team at Evan’s overall goal is to manage people and projects that will
Gayron de Bruin Land Surveying & Engineering, P.C (GdB) lead to quality of life improvements for New Yorkers through
in July 2014. thoughtful and sustainable infrastructure improvements.
Evan is committed to help GdB “push boundaries” by
Evan began his journey with GdB as a GIS Specialist and discovering and delivering more information rapidly and
a Survey Technician. Having a foundational knowledge accurately, while passing on cost and time savings to our
of surveying from his coursework in Geography and GIS, trusted and valued clients.
he mastered the use of survey instruments and software,
excelling in 3D laser scanning, GIS, management, and The Associate Spotlight is sponsored by the Young Professionals
programming. Evan became an essential part of the GdB committee in an effort to shine a light on some of our
team, demonstrating excellence and generating quality brightest surveyors coming up through our profession. If you
results in the field and in the office. His commitment to know of a talented associate surveyor, that you’d like to see
accuracy, timeliness, and organizational standards helped featured please contact Amber or Heather at
keep our operations running smooth, while emphasizing to submit your nomination.
field crew safety.