Page 25 - NYS_ESS_01-2021_FLIPBOOKFILE
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Emily Whalen also reported: • Kaleb Winters reported that many members of Eastern have reached
• All quiet in Albany. out to him requesting increased access to County records and their
• Democrats hold a 108 to 42 majority in the Assembly. That gives them Regional has discussed reaching out to the NYS Land Title Association
a Super Majority. to jointly discuss the matter. Jim Vianna has spoken to the Executive
Director of NYSLTA. Jim spoke to a member of the Board asking about
LSPAC co-signing an informational letter to the County Clerks Assn or directly
Steve Boddecker reported: to each County Clerks, pointing them to sources for funding. NYSLTA
• Balance in the account is $7,361.20. Director was very receptive to the idea and asked Jim to forward a draft
• Meeting to be held next week to discuss the possibilities for PAC letter. This started out as a regional issue but decided it should probably
auction items. go statewide. Jim asked NYSAPLS to consider drafting and sending
such a letter. Motion by Kaleb Winters, seconded by Gary Thompson to
Membership draft the letter, motion carried.
Gary Thompson reported:
• Committee is contacting at-large members that have not renewed President Daniel Marvin called to Pass the Gavel:
for 2020-2021. Allegheny Plateau – not present.
Black River – Stephen Gracey- nothing to report.
Adhoc Minimum Technical Standards Catskill – Jon Thompson- No regional meetings since COVID started,
Roy Garfinkel reported: land sales and surveys are up.
• Meeting was held last Tuesday to discuss WPAPLS letter and is Central – Doug Reith- nothing to report.
planning on meeting with SBELSG. City – Saeid Jalilvand- nothing to report.
• Next meeting will be Dec. 8th. Delaware-Hudson – Donald Stedge- New BOD have been selected;
Orange Co. records are now on-line but not complete.
NSPS Eastern – Kaleb Winters- Had one Zoom meeting since March, only one
Patti Brooks reported: member other than the BOD attended.
• Not much has happened except the new ALTA/NSPS Standards for Genesee Valley – Roy B. Garfinkel- nothing to report.
Feb. 2021 release have been circulated. Long Island – John Abruzzo- Have not met recently but picked up one
new member.
Public Relations Mid-Hudson – Kevin Young- Had a Google Meetup meeting in September,
Ken Slaugenhoupt and Heather Schultz reported: 8 members were present.
• Committee will have Gramercy put out two press releases, one for the Mohawk Valley – not present.
Conference and one about the committee receiving the PR award from Nassau Suffolk – Scott Gillis- Regional has been having monthly
NSPS for the “Getting Kids into Surveying” program. Zoom meetings.
• Town Hall Tuesdays have provided a question each week to interact Niagara Frontier – Ken Slaugenhoupt- nothing to report.
with members. Northern – Scott Allen- Regional had their annual meeting in October (virtual)
• Richard Moravec asked about the committees concerns regarding the and it was well attended. They will meet virtually again in December.
contentious MTS issue. Ken stated he personally hoped substantial Southern Finger Lakes – Gary Thompson- Regional has not met in person
cool-headed discussion within the organization would take place before since August.
PR Committee gets involved. Southern Tier – not present.
Queensboro – Rodger Hess- Regional sent the WPAPLS MTS letter to 30
Strategic Planning at-large members encouraging them to vote. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
No report. Westchester Putnam – Rich Moravec- Regional met twice in-person since
July, meetings were well attended.
Nominations and Awards Officers:
Glenn Watson asked Regional Directors to try to find members who are President Dan Marvin congratulated Greg de Bruin on his recent retirement.
able and capable to serve on our BOD. Executive Vice President Ken Slaugenhoupt is celebrating his 55th
Young Professionals wedding anniversary.
Heather Schultz reported: Treasurer Jeremy Thompson congratulated both Greg and Ken.
• Committee is working on lesson plans, a shadowing program, and an Ranger School will be graduating 4 survey students in the spring.
associate spotlight feature in ESS to try to raise associate membership. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
• The committee’s main project at this time is to provide a Women’s President Dan Marvin wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and hopefully COVID
Summit at the 2021 Conference. An outline is being worked on and will soon be under control and things will return to normal.
they are looking for 3-5 panelists. With no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Scott Allen,
Unfinished Business seconded by Scott Gillis. Motion carried.
There was none. Meeting adjourned at 4:02 pm.
New Business Respectfully submitted: Steven J. Willard – Secretary
• Tellers Committee – Joe Malinowski reported:
The slate of officers for 2021 are:
President Daniel E. Marvin
Executive Vice President Kenneth M. Slaugenhoupt
Vice President Roy B. Garfinkel
Treasurer Jeremy E. Thompson
Secretary Steven J. Willard
15 of 18 Regionals responded and have voted unanimously in favor of
the slate as printed.