Page 2 - NewsletterNovember
P. 2

My Sisters, when you feel you are about to
                 CHAPLIAN’S CORNER                              worry, just begin to pray and turn it over to the
                                                                Lord. He sustained you before and He will do it
                 Count Your Blessings,                          again. He has kept you before and is keeping you
                                                                right now. When we truly turn IT (whatever your
                     Not Your Worries                           IT may be) over to the Lord, He will shower us
                                                                with such a peace that cannot be explained. Not
                                                                only that, but that God will guard the sensitive
              Blessings and Favor My Beautiful Sisters,         places of our lives, our hearts and our minds
                                                                through Christ Jesus. What a blessing and an as-
                     I can’t believe that it’s already the month   surance to have.
              of November, my how time has flown by. Yet, I            My Sister reading this right now, you may
              am grateful, for each day brings new mercies, new  be going through hell right now, but you can still
              life and new beginnings.   As I pondered over this  declare with holy boldness, “That this is the day
              message, the Lord brought me to Philippians 4:6-7  the Lord has made, I can…I will…I shall rejoice
              that reads as thus, “Be anxious for nothing, but in  and be glad in it.” Why? Because the Word de-
              everything by prayer and supplication, with       clares that your IT is working for your good. You
              thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to  may not see it. You may not feel it, but just know
              God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all    it is working for your good. Life will continue to
              understanding, will guard your hearts and minds  happen, trials and tribulations will come, but rest
              through Christ Jesus. (NKJV)”                     in the fact that there is One greater than anything
                             With the current political climate,   we can and will ever go through. I am reminded of
              senseless deaths among our black communities,     a song of old, “…have a little talk with Jesus; (let
              the injustices of the world, children taking their   us) tell Him all about our troubles. He will hear
              own lives, our fears, personal issues, and even   your faintest cry and He will answer by and by.
              those issues among members of our families and    (Now when you) feel a little prayer wheel turning
              our friends; worry seems to creep in and take up   (then you will) know a little fire is burning. Hav-
              residence in one’s mind. We worry about our       ing a little talk with Jesus will make IT alright.
              health, child(ren), spouse or significant other, jobs,   During this Season of Thanks and every
              finances, the craziness of our government, being   day of the year, Let each of us remember to count
              lonely, death, what we are going to wear, how we  our blessings and not our worries.
              look, the upcoming holidays, and simply just life
              in general. Christians who worry, know that God          With Sisterly Love and Jesus Joy
              created heaven and earth, that God has power over        Soror Catrina R. Waters, Chaplain
              the enemy, that God can redeem them, BUT they
              are just not certain that He can get them through
              the next day, the next week, even the next moment
              because life feels or seems so overwhelming. This
              may sound harsh, but my Sisters when we worry,
              we are really saying, “God, I can’t trust you with
                     As I have gotten older and my relationship
              with God deepened, I don’t worry any more about
              people or situations. I may be concerned, but no
              worrying. I have learned through the years (and
              life experiences) to rely on the strength of the God
              Almighty and rest in the comfort of the Word God.
              That’s why Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:6-
              7 about not being anxious for nothing. What he is
              really saying is, do not even start worrying about
              anything, but pray about everything. He admonish-
              es us as believers to take our concerns to the Lord
              with Thanksgiving in our hearts in advance of
              what God will do for us and through our situation.

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