Page 4 - NewsletterNovember
P. 4

Making Strides in Social Action – MAC Political Awareness and Involvement
                                                       Kynesha M. Brown

         Seeing a great need in the Montgomery area to         On September 30, the
         encourage people to vote, the Political Aware-        committee introduced
         ness and Involvement Committee has been en-           its inaugural Second
         gaged and implemented several activities to in-       Chance Resource and
         crease voter registration and voter turnout for up- Job Fair that connected
         coming elections.                                     employers and organi-
                                                               zations with individuals
         Their first step was a special appeal and partner-
         ship with other area organizations in implement-
         ing the Rollin to the Polls Voting Initiative, a pro-
         ject started by the committee to help increase
         voter turnout in neighborhoods with an average                                  with past criminal con-
         turnout or 23% or lower.                                                        victions. Workshop ses-
                                                                                         sions on job interview
         In the month of August, the committee begin its                                 and resume skills were
                              first activities under the initia-                         provided as well as a
                              tive by conducting voter reg-                              “Suit Shop,” where indi-
                              istration drives in well popu-                             viduals could acquire
                              lated areas such as high                                   gently used professional
                              school football games. A new  attire.
                              addition of the initiative was
                              to partner with organizations  The committee also worked hard in coordinating
                              such as Legal Services Ala-      activities for National Voter Registration Day,
                              bama, ACLU Alabama, and          held on September 26. The committee, along
                              the Southern Poverty Law         with partnering organizations went into four area
                              Center to conduct voter resto- high schools to register seniors. At the end of the
                              ration clinics. The voter resto- day, a total of 107 stu-
         ration clinics, which were held in September,         dents were registered to
         were highly successful.  Helping individuals with  vote, resulting in a com-
         past felony convictions, the clinics served to as-    plete total of 210 people
         sist in the application to have their voting rights   registered to vote current-
         restored. By having these clinics, the committee,  ly under the Rollin to the
         along with partnering organizations helped doz-       Polls Initiative.
         ens of individuals gain information on how to re-
         store their right to vote.

         September also introduced to new projects for
         Political Awareness and Involvement. The com-
         mittee kicked off its MACSpeaks series. Lead by
                                Soror Jaffe Pickett,
                                MACSpeaks is a series of
                                roundtable discussions that
                                focus on criminal justice
                                reform such as prison over-
                                crowding and how fines
                                and convictions affect the
                                poor. In the first part of the
                                series, the discussion fo-
                                cused on driver license
         suspensions for minor drug offences.

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