Page 5 - NewsletterNovember
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Creating Leaders Aspiring in Scholarship & Service

                                       Celebrating 5 Years of C.L.A.S.S

                 Do you have C.L.A.S.S.?  Over one hundred  dents  was  led  by  two  dynamic  young  presenters.
          students, forty parents, thirty members of the Mont- Marcus Handy and Alivia Payne facilitated an inter-
          gomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma The- active  session  that  provided  real  life  examples  of
          ta, Sorority Inc., representatives from the Divine Nine  what it really takes to be successful.
          and other local organizations did on Saturday, Octo-         Setting  Goals  for  Success  Session  was  de-
          ber 7, 2017 on the campus of Auburn University in     signed for middle school students.  Hillary Claiborn
          Montgomery,  AL.  This  was  the  5   Annual  Leader-  shared with then the concept of setting goals and the
          ship Conference sponsored by the Montgomery (AL)      benefits from goal setting.  Students actively partici-
          Alumnae  Chapter  of  Delta  Sigma  Theta,  Sorority,   pated in activities to identify areas of priority and be-
          Inc., the theme was, “We Are All In: Serve, Soar, &   gan  the  process  of  developing  SMART  (Specific
          Succeed.”  There were four informative and interac-   Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Based) goals.
          tive sessions that reinforced the theme of the confer-
          ence.                                                 P.E.A.C.E WORKSHOP
          SERVE                                                        Raising  Children  in  Today’s  Environment
                                                                Session  was  designed  for  parents  and  guardians  to
                 “Litty for Activism” Civic Responsibility Ses-                              have an open dialogue
          sion  was  led  by                                                                 with  professionals  in
          Kynesha       Brown.                                                               the areas of education,
          The    students   re-                                                              counseling  and  law.
          ceived  an  overview                                                               Robyn F. Lindsey, Dr.
          of the importance of                                                               Sheila  Austin,  Sandy
          participating  in  the                                                             K.  Johnson  and  Jaffe
          democratic  process                                                                Pickett,  Esq.  provided
          and  becoming  an                                                                  interactive    passion
          informed, productive                                                               filled  discussions  on
          member of society.                                                                 current  issues  and  the
                 How  May  I  Serve  You?  Cathey  Hendricks  potential impact on their children’s ability to succeed.
          facilitated the discussion of the importance of volun-       From the Invocation by Jamie Thomas - EM-
          teering and community serve.  The culminating activ-
          ity for this session was a service project that will im-  BODI, Greetings by Cassandra E. Brown  – Chapter
          pact the community locally and aboard.                President,  Introduction  of  the  Speaker  by  Malaysha

          SOAR                                                  Smith – Delta GEM, Charge by Azzie Taylor (State
                                                                of Alabama Deputy Attorney General) – Conference
                 Black Girl Magic is a term used to illustrate   Speaker,  Recognitions  by  Catrina  R.  Waters
          the  universal  awesomeness  of  black  woman  as  ex-
          plained  by  presenters  Acquanetta  McCants  Pinkard   (C.L.A.S.S.  Co-Coordinator)  to  the  closing  remarks
          and Melvetta Leach-Peck.  Students were encouraged    by  Cassandra  E.  Brown  an  informative,  enjoyable,
          to  unlock  their  “magic”  and  instructed  how  to  use   impactful experience was had by all involved.  But, it
          their “magic” to advance and achieve their goals.     is not too late for you to have C.L.A.S.S.  We look
                 Black  Boys  Rock  was  led  by  a  panelist  of   forward  to  seeing  you  at  the  6   Annual  Leadership
          male  presenters.    Michael  Briddell,  Dr.  Carl  Pettis,  Conference in 2018.
          Anwar Shahid and Robert Thomas explored with the
          students  the  steps  to  take  to  successfully  transform
          from being black boys to becoming black men.  Stu-
          dents left this session empowered and armed with the
          “I can achieve anything” attitude.

                 How  Does  Success  Look?    This  character
          building and goal setting session for high school stu-

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