Page 2 - Twenty days walking the Labyrinth book
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Twenty days walking the Labyrinth at Hippocrates Health Institute:
                          Here are a few questions and answers about Labyrinth.          from the www

                                    What's the difference between a labyrinth and a maze?

         A maze is a complex branching puzzle that includes choices of path and direction, may have multiple entrances
         and exits, and dead ends. A labyrinth is unicursal i.e. has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the
                               center then back out the same way, with only one entry/exit point

                                                 What is a prayer labyrinth?

         In a labyrinth there is a clear path in and out. The labyrinth will assist students and campus visitors in Christian
            meditation and prayer. In the Middle Ages the labyrinths were used as a way for people to participate in a
                       pilgrimage without the expense or time required in actually going to another place.

                                                  What is a labyrinth walk?

           A labyrinth is a patterned path, often circular in form, used as a walking meditation or spiritual practice. A
         labyrinth's walkway is arranged in such a way that the participant moves back and forth across the circular form
                              through a series of curves, ending at the labyrinths's heart or center.
            I started to do tai ji walking with my older adults for better balance.  So when I got down to Hippocrates I
           thought it would be a good idea to try and do a slow heal toe walk around the Labyrinth.  I never try to walk
         around so slow, always just walked.  Never really knew what you get out of it.  It was explained well by Steve
                   who even added on some things after we spoke about it.  My twenty days started like this.

          So my first day Walking into the center; what do you want to let go of?  Walking out of the center;  what do
               you want to take in?   I wanted to let go of my reaction. [taken things personal]  I wanted to allow
         thoughtfulness.  So I walked in slow, sort of, ran out along the path, my excuse, I did have an appointment, but
                                                  the truth is I had enough.

         On the second day I did some Tai Ji walking, basically heel toe, pretty slow.  I tried to concentrate on one step
        at a time.  Got into the middle okay and walked out normally along the path.  No excuse except, I could not do it

         On the third day I had a little break through.  Started with slow Tai Ji walking, [heel/toe], added some Bagua
            steps on the turns.  Towards the end I started to do some hand/arm movements,  touching wrist blocking
          [walking and blocking].  When I got to the center did a little qi gong ending.  Walked out slow this time, and
              when I was getting to the end I started to move even slower.  Felt really good, I was feeling a sense of
         accomplishment.  It was also when the feelings of taken care of myself start to come up.  I always thought I was
         too shy to call or ask for help, but here I was getting worked on by all these great practitioners, being taken care
         of so well, was hard for me to take in.  Being the oldest of seven kids, I was always having to watch out for the
        younger ones, and it seemed like they just kept coming, when do I get some?  So I said to myself at an early age,
                                            I don’t need anything from anybody…

          Than the fourth day rolled around.  I was thinking about releasing the small self and letting the Divine in.  I
         started to walked a little with smiling tiger and posture, then did some walking and blocking.  As I got near the
         statues I started to feel the energy build up in my hands.  Felt good about the accomplishment, of doing it slow
         through the whole thing.  It felt okay that I seem to be just following my own way to walk the Labyrinth.  Using
        my own intuition.  Started to think when I get back home to Brooklyn I will have to fine one, I know there is one
                                            in Staten Island, I’ll google it tonight.
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