Page 4 - Twenty days walking the Labyrinth book
P. 4
On the fifth day I got the idea to keep this journal. My intention today was for my highest good. Also to help
with the decision to buy all the supplements or not, which I got a louder message to get all of them. Thanks
Tom. A little more smiling tiger walking. I added the Jin Shin Justsu’s 19’s, [in the crease of the elbow], very
grounding, held them much longer than I thought I would. Tried a little boat walking. Took higher steps (not
too many). I could not wait to finish and walk in the grass (mornings wet grass). That is a reflection of my
present life, where I am almost finished with something and ready to move onto the next. And of course a lot of
the times I wind up not finishing the first project. On the walk when I felt like I am getting a little anxious and
moving too slow I would soften and relax and get my balance back. I can try something like that in the
Six days now and as far as my being reactive. With a little synchronicity I get an answer from the book I am
reading [Selig, Paul. “The Book of Truth” Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.] “What have I come to
learn and What have you come to teach me?” So I have to look at my reactions as a teacher for there is
something for me to learn. Mean while I started to do some fancy flowing movements. I notice that I had much
stronger stepping. Was boat walking with Palms on belly. Again I went ever slower at the end. I could not
wait to get out here today and play. I was so excited, even though I did not have a good morning [constipated]
but did get a little out after a lot of coaching…
Seventh morning. Time - 52m Steps - NA. This morning 7:35 my intention was to get toxins out of my LI
n SI to make space for the new nutrition. I tried to keep the intention on my mind and every time I was passing
the statue I started to belch and burp, releasing ~ felt a little rejuvenated being I had such a rough night ~ knee
stepping was a little stronger. ~ went even slower at the end ~ balance was much better then when I started ~
held belly and did dragon dropped its tail, also open palm ~ mostly thought about release and writing an article
~ travel and do labyrinth all over ~ I reached a deeper state of focusing yesterday and was able to stay with it a
little longer today. Like looking at the 3D pictures. Feeling and visual I got looking at the 3D pictures. Hard to
describe maybe the difference between regular tv and hd tv. A little softer walking in the Reflex Stream.
Eight days time and steps; 7:30-8:29 about 59 m 809 steps. I tried doing it bare foot, it went well and most
likely will do it from now on. I wanted to count the steps yesterday, I tried to use the meter but the steps were
too slow I guess and it did not measure. So today I counted, I really did not think I would be able to do it. I
thought I would lose concentration. 809 steps without counting the walking around the middle. Held belly n
tiger smile a little turning flat palms on water. High step it seemed I was able to count and at the same time
concentrate on stepping (mind/physical) but was not able to feel energy or emotion. Earth support Mind as a
team it seems they work together well. Maybe a little rocking tomorrow.
On the ninth day My intention was to get the small self to quite down a little (that chattering part of your
mind). I started to talk to it, saying take a break don’t be so controlling. Its time to get something for your self,
relax, be fucking quiet. I became aware of the nature around the Labyrinth. It was in the afternoon so it was
hot. Could not do it in the morning they was going to cut the grass. My mind was a little calmer. I started
right off with the toe stretch step. As I walked I changed into the boat step which was much better. The two
Chi Kung movements from Ken, gave me a starting meditation to enter the Labyrinth and one to do on the exit,
great, thanks Ken. I used his expanding one to enter and release the Small Self, and then I used the graphing
energy for the exit. I did this bare foot today.
Ten days into this its 6:59. I started with Ken’s expanded movements and added Vincent’s expanding breath. I
Mostly did the stretching to step. There seemed to be some kind of rhythm going on in my head and body. Felt
very comfortable and balanced. As I reached the inner circle I started to do a lot of the tai ji ruler. I was using
many different arm patterns. When I reached the outer circle I did the gathering qi. Tried to meditation with
concentrating on just the breath. Like Vincent said, there is always some chattering thoughts going on. I was a
little better getting into the movement when doing the more complicated steps in the Tai Ji Ruler. Dr. Chip