Page 8 - Twenty days walking the Labyrinth book
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went right into heal/toe diagonal some waist movements, did some of the Wu form. My intention was to ask
what should be released. As I walked I realized that the feeling of being separate from nature and from the
divine part of myself, I have to give up. It is easy to feel part of nature while I am here, but, what about in the
city? Well thanks to HHI for showing the world that there is another way. We just need to have more
conscious folks to agree. What is happening is, and we are all responsible for it. As we are living a different
kind of life, we have to respect that the lesson that we are learning from the rest of the world. They are teaching
us what not to do. Today I felt noticeable calmer.
The fourteenth day started at 7:51 and ended at 8:49 used Vincent’s Breath work with the golden ball 1 x slow.
Mostly did heal/toe walking, held the large intestine and small intestine fingers. Stomach finger and large
intestine #4 point. Felt very grounded, did Hara circles and rolling energy into Hara. Fire pit was in the middle
from last nights party. So went to the other side to face statue, this seemed nice will do it all the time. In
general my intension was to be able to see the divine in everyone not just my judgement, and drop the thinking
or caring what they think of me. In Michele’s very nice Mandala drawing class, I’m thinking how everyone so
much better at this. As I was 3/4 done with mine a women stood up and asked if I was a draftsmen? Because it
looked so professional. Well I did do a lot of drafting work. The man next to me said, he started out with a yin
and yang and it turned into something else. We are all stuck in our own shit. I want out of mine… The
question that kept coming up for me during the walk was, why am I here? The big Here not HHI, [by the way
glucose level was 108 today]. When I asked the Labyrinth the question I did not want the stock answer. Karma,
needing to find out who I am, here to learn some lessons, raise the conscious level of the planet? I don’t really
see a good reason to be here. And once the planet reaches this unconditional love, then what? Why come to
experience a life? Why? If we are coming from perfection why come here? So my question is out there. I met
a woman in the pool who was with a few days reunion group. She said something like “I wish the whole world
could be like this”. Knowing what she meant, still the words just kept coming back to me the rest of the day.
What live within nature with all the comfort of pure water, pools, Jacuzzi, sauna, people growing and preparing
your food, cleaning your room. Evolution would stop on a dime. It was the contradiction that kept us moving
to get to this point. Thinking of the American Indians just to counter my own point. But still why did evolution
need to get us here? Interesting…
As the fifteenth day rolled around felt way more grounded and meditative. 6:51 was my start and 7:52 I ended.
My intention was to stop reacting. Heel/toe walking thinking about breath, stepping, sounds. Tried stepping
with eyes closed, all in all not very good at it, but like all the meditation teachers said no judgements.
Sixteen days ranging about an hour which includes the little qi gong at the start and finish. Started early could
not sleep, 4:16 to 5:14. Heel/toe walking moved slower when I caught my mind going off, I started to do some
JSJ fingers. Felt a little more sort of self contained.
The seventeenth my wife’s birthday woke feeling pretty good and energized. 5:52 - 7:03 My intention was to
rid my body of toxins. Replenish with the divine. Heel/toe, tried moving slow when mind went off when back
to JSJ fingers and slow smiling tiger facing floor.
Eighteen day I can’t believe it. 6:30 - 7:32. Heel/toe and tiger mouth facing ground. Concentrating on pelvic
tilt, hands, breath as my mind went off I slowed down and went back to posture-breath-sensations.
Nineteen days started at 4:58 - 5:54. Heel/toe, activated wriest. Thanks to Michele’s drawing class I thought
about drawing the symbol. Leave garbage and lies behind, just keep moving forward to the Divine.
Twenty, the last day. 5:15 - 6:19. Had to get up early and go into the pools, release all negative and take in
the Divine. Heel/toe, when mind went off came back to the slow, soften movement. When it did go off I mostly
went to the idea of drawing this symbol.