Page 5 - IMC April Newsletter 2019
P. 5


          Penn Center Site for Soiree                           Design for a Fast-Moving Target

          IMC Construction held an elegant gala at the Center for   IMC was front and center at AIA Philadelphia’s Forum on
          Healthcare Technology at 3600 Civic Center Boulevard   Architecture + Design last fall with the popular panel “Penn
          that IMC constructed for the University of Pennsylvania   Medicine:  Design for a Fast-Moving Target.” Joining top
          Health System. Over four hundred clients, employees   brass from Penn Medicine and Perkins + Will, healthcare
          and guests enjoyed dinner and live music in the dramatic,   project director Art Brinkworth and project executive Scott
          glass-enclosed lobby of the ten-story structure.      Bamford discussed the integrated design and construction
                                                                of the new Center for Healthcare Technology on Civic
          Opened in November 2018, the Center for Healthcare    Center Boulevard. The annual Forum, held at the Bok co-
          Technology is a southern gateway to the Penn Medicine   working space, was attended by 300 A/E/C professionals.
          campus and an attractive, efficient, multi-use facility
          • Investigative Drug     • IT/HR Offices
            Services Pharmacy
                                   • Childcare Center
          • Bio Bank Freezer Farm

                                                                Pictured above from left to right: Art Brinkworth, PE, IMC Healthcare
                                                                Project Executive; Patrick Dorris, Associate Vice President, Real Estate
                                                                Design & Construction, University of Pennsylvania Health System; Maha
                                                                Sabra, AIA, LEED AP, Senior Project Manager, Senior Associate,
                                                                Perkins + Will; Scott Bambord, Project Executive, IMC; Robert
                                                                Goodwin, FAIA, LEED AP, Design Director, Principal, Perkins + Will;
                                                                Jillian Burgess, LEED AP, Senior Building Enclosure Consultant, RWDI

              IMC Philadelphia Office Now Open

              “For the past 40 years we have served this region with great success from our
              offices in Malvern,” said Rob Cottone, President and CEO of IMC Construction.

              The number of Center City projects has steadily increased for IMC, as has the
              number of IMC employees who live in the City. The new IMC office is located at
              121 South Broad Street, across from the Union League and close to public

              “We see Philadelphia’s growth continuing through the next decade,” said
              Cottone. “We are investing in the City’s future.”

          A proven process and a custom-tailored approach with every customer, on every project.   IMC Construction  |  Year Highlights  |  April 2019  |  5
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