Page 191 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 191

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  191

               annual dose rate coming from the radioactive   Pleistocene–Holocene South American mega-
               elements present in the soil and in the sample   fauna belonging to different faunistic mo-
               itself can be calculated by determining the U,   ments related to climate changes during the
               Th and K concentration. Therefore, the deter-  quaternary. The equivalent dose (De) was de-
               mination of the dose rate depends on the con-  termined using single exponential fitting re-
               centration of these main radioactive elements.   sulting in (24±1) Gy. The De was converted to
                                                              age using ROSY ESR Dating program and the
               Neutron Activation Analysis has the sensitiv-  concentration of radioisotopes present in the
               ity and the accuracy necessary to determine    sample and soil determined through neutron
               U and Th with this objective. Depending on     activation analysis. The ages cover the range
               the composition of the sample, the determi-    of 25–34 ka. This information is important
               nation of U and Th can be improved irradiat-   to contextualize other findings in the region
               ing the sample inside a Cd capsule, reducing   from different sites and to help obtain bet-
               the thermal neutron incidence on the sample    ter information about the climate changes in
               and, therefore, diminishing the activation of   this region. (Partnership: Universidade Sagra-
               possible interfering nuclides.                 do Coração, Bauru, SP, Brazil; Departamento de
                                                              Física, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras,
               Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating was ap-   USP, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil).
               plied to a Smilodon populator tooth found in
               “Toca de Cima dos Pilão”, located in the sur-  Relative INAA and k0-INAA at
               roundings of the Serra da Capivara National    IPEN: a Comparative Study
               Park. Neutron Activation Analysis was used to
               determine the concentration of radioisotopes   The Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory at
               present in the sample and in the sediment to   IPEN (LAN-IPEN) has been analyzing different
               calculate the internal and external dose rates.   kinds of samples for decades, using the relative
               The result of age found is 93±9 ka, which con-  method of instrumental neutron activation
               firmed the presence of this species in Serra da   analysis (INAA) at the IEA-R1 nuclear research
               Capivara National Park in the late Pleistocene.   reactor of IPEN. In this method, samples and
                                                              standards are irradiated simultaneously with
                Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating was ap-  neutrons under the same conditions. Elemen-
               plied to a fossil human tooth and shell found   tal concentrations are calculated by compar-
               at the archaeological site Toca do Enoque lo-  ison of the activities of the gamma-rays from
               cated in Serra das Confusões National Park (Pi-  the sample and standard. This procedure re-
               auí, Brazil). The ages for the tooth and the shell   quires the preparation of element standards,
               (~4.8 kyBP) agreed with C-14 dating of the shell   which is very laborious and time consum-
               and other samples (charcoal) collected at the   ing. Furthermore, some elements present in
               same study site, showing the validity of ESR   the sample cannot be analyzed due to the ab-
               dating for this range of ages.                 sence of a corresponding element standard.
                                                              The k0-INAA method, developed by the Insti-
               Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating was ap-   tute of Nuclear Sciences, Gent, Belgium, has
               plied to date a sample of fossil tooth found in   been increasingly used, as it requires only a
               Ribeira Valley, São Paulo, Brazil. This region is   single comparator such as 197Au for multiele-
               characterized by abundant fossil records of    mental determination instead of multielemen-
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