Page 186 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 186
186 Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report
The analyzed phytotherapics were coded with In the study of the influence of elemental soil
letter F followed by a number. The phytother- composition on the production of secondary
pics with their respective contend of medicinal metabolites in medicinal plants, the elemental
plants (in parenthesis) were the following: F1 concentration was determined by instrumen-
(Paullinia cupana Mart, Sapindaceae), F2 (Peu- tal neutron activation analysis (INAA), graph-
mus boldus, Rhamnus purshiana and Rheum ite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
palmatum, F3 Camellia sinesis), F4 (Passiflora (AAS GF) and optical emission spectrometry
alata, Erythrina mulungu and Crataegus oxya- with source of inductively coupled plasma (ICP-
cantha, F5 (Peumus boldus, Rhamnus purshi- OES) in the leaves of Melissa officinalis and in
ana and Rheum palmatum). Besides these phy- cultivated soils. Melissa officinalis volatile oils
totherapics, the medicinal plants Babosa (Aloe were extracted by the hydrodestillation tech-
vera) and Amoreira (Morus spp.), both from the nique using the Clevenger apparatus and the
national list of medicinal plants of the Siste- main secondary metabolites, citronellal, neral,
ma Único de Saúde (SUS) (http://www.plan- geranial, citronellol, nerol and geraniol were determined by gas chromatography coupled
dicinais-do-sus), were also analyzed. to the mass spectrometer (GC- MS). Spring
and summer presented the best quality oils
Concentrations of the elements As, Br, Ca, Co, because they had lower contents of citronel-
Cr, Cs, Fe, K, La, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc and Zn were de- lol, nerol and geraniol. Neral and geranial for-
termined in these phytotherapics and me- mation was favored in the conventional man-
dicinal plants by applying neutron activation agement correlated with the presence of Co,
analysis. The high concentration of Ca found Cr, Mg and Ni elements, while citronellal for-
in these samples can be associated to the ab- mation was favored in organic management
sence of side effects of stomach lesions. The correlated with Mn.
element K was also found in high concentra-
tion and the presence of this element has been
related to diuretic actions. Potassium is pres-
ent in natural diuretics, as well as, in drugs
used for eliminate phlegm and to invigorate
the stomach. In addition, K can regulate body
fluids and participate in cardiac muscle con-
traction. Elements such as Ca, Co, K, Fe, and
Zn found in herbal medicines are essential to
humans. Zinc is an element present in drugs
used in the treatment and prevention of ul- Fig 26. Medicinal clays.
cers and to heal wounds. High concentra-
tions of Zn were found in leaves of Aloe vera Dietary supplements (Multivitamins
medicinal plant. and proteins for athletes)
The determinations of chemical elements in The consumption of dietary supplements has
phytotherpics and medicinal plants are used to become of increasing importance not only
verify if they are present at high levels, above to supply nutritional deficiencies, but also to
the permissible limit values. optimize the metabolic pathways that these
minerals are involved in. Besides, dietary el-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares