Page 185 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 185

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  185

                                                              of pharmaceutical products
               tion Analysis, Atomic Absorption Spectrome-
               try, Gamma Spectrometry and X-ray Diffrac-     Medicinal plants, phototherapies and dietary
               tion have been used.                           supplements (multivitamins and proteins) are
                                                              among the most rapidly growing pharmaceu-
               In the study of the clays’ medicinal use, it is   ticals not only in developing countries, but
               important to characterize the raw material     also in industrialized countries. These prod-
               and water used in its maturation process. Al-  ucts are generally commercialized without
               though the peloid mechanisms of action are     medical prescription and they may not always
               still not well understood, some studies indi-  present the reliable composition on their la-
               cate that these may be related to the topical   bels. Consequently, it becomes of great impor-
               absorption of both inorganic and organic com-  tance to evaluate the risks arising from the use
               ponents present in the water and clay mature   of these products by means of the determina-
               mixture. In this study, the Peruíbe Black Mud   tion of toxic elements as well as the essential
               (PBM) was used to treat cutaneous conditions   ones present in excessive doses. At the current
               and osteoarthritis. It was verified that the PBM   stage in which the Ministry of Health and the
               is mainly composed of quartz and presents      National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVI-
               lower concentrations of Ca, Mg and Mn and      SA) are investing greater efforts to control all
               higher concentrations of SO3, that the matu-   products related to human consumption, it is
               ration process makes the mud enriched in Cl    necessary the development and application
               and Mg, that the PBM is also enriched in the   of reliable methodologies to analyze pharma-
               elements As, Br, Cr Sb, Se and Zn and deplet-  ceutical products. These determinations are of
               ed in the elements Ca, Rb and Ta in relation   great interest not only to the population and
               to other peloids reported in the literature and   medical professionals, but also to industries
               that the elements Ca, Mg, Mn and Na are the    for quality control of their production
               most available for skin absorption. From the
               radiological point of view, it was determined   The objective of this project is to evaluate
               that the effective dose resulting from the topi-  chemical elements in pharmaceutical prod-
               cal mud applications is three times lower than   ucts for identification of their health risks due
               the allowed dose increment of 1 mSv per year.   to the presence of toxic elements or essential
               Clinical evaluation of the use of PBM for the   elements in concentrations that could cause
               knees osteoarthritis treatment indicated a     adverse effect to human health.
               perception of improvement in 100% of the pa-
               tients who received this treatment.            Phytotherapics and medicinal plants

               Another ongoing project on the medicinal use   In Brazil, our tropical forests constitute a rich
               of clays is the production of artificial peloids. In   source of biodiversity for the pharmaceuti-
               this project, commercial clays are matured in   cal industry. Therefore, this type of study has
               mineral-medicinal waters of Águas de Lindóia,   aroused great interest in chemical and phar-
               Poços de Caldas and Peruíbe sea water. This    macological research for scientific verification
               study intends to evaluate the influence of wa-  of the therapeutic properties from national
               ter used in the maturation process on the ob-  flora specie. Existing research is still incipient
               tained peloid.                                 and there is no effective control of the official
                                                              bodies for its commercialization in fairs, pub-
               Investigation on elemental composition         lic markets or natural product stores.
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