Page 180 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 180

180   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               Fig 25. Crassostrea genus oyster shells.

               samples, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy anal-  a regular basis in several areas of nutrition
               ysis was used. Differences between origins,    and foodstuffs.
               elemental composition and mineralogical pa-
               rameters were used to correlate the results    Total Diet Studies: Determination
               obtained. The normalization factor was cal-    of essential and toxic elements in
               culated using sea water and La as normaliz-    foodstuffs from São Paulo city.
               er. Samples were analyzed by chemometric
               statistical methods: Pearson correlation co-    The techniques of Neutron Activation Analy-
               efficient and cluster analysis. The results ob-  sis and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry have
               tained by this normalization indicated a good   been applied to determine the content of es-
               separation between samples from mangrove       sential and toxic elements in diets from dif-
               regions and samples from the region of higher   ferent Brazilian regions. During this period, a
               salinity corroborating the hypothesis that the   Total Diet Study (TDS) was carried out using
               elemental composition of the oyster shells is   data of food consumption of the Southeast re-
               indicative of the environment in which they    gion of Brazil based in the POF 2008-2009 Na-
               formed. Therefore, the application to environ-  tional Household Food Budget Survey of the
               mental and paleo-environmental studies can     Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statis-
               be an important application of these results.  tics (IBGE), to evaluate essential (Ca, Cu, Cr, Fe,
                                                              Mg, Mn, K, Na, Se and Zn) and toxic element
               Nutritional studies in                         (As, Cd, Hg) dietary intakes. This study is on

               foodstuffs and diets                           the context of the Fapesp Project 2013/08869-
                                                              6 about Brazilian Total Diet Study that was ap-
               Food being the main source of intake of ele-   proved for the 2013-2015 period. This study is
               ments, it becomes imperative to monitor the    the 2nd TDS, carried out by our laboratory, and
               concentration of toxic and essential elements   included daily individual food consumed both
               in various food items and products of daily con-  inside and outside of the household, resulting
               sumption. Trace element concentrations have    in a total daily individual consumption of the
               been measured extensively in Brazilian food    population. The food group approach was cho-
               and diets of different regions. Neutron Activa-  sen over the individual approach so as to pro-
               tion Analysis, NAA, has become an important    vide a smaller number of food samples to the
               and useful research tool due to the methodol-  kitchen preparation and analysis. The Food
               ogy’s advantages. These include high accura-   List included 82 food items reported consumed
               cy, small quantities of samples and no chem-   foods, according to the survey. Since it is un-
               ical treatment has been successfully used on   available for individual laboratory analyses,

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