Page 178 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 178

178   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               in the inner layer (Fig 22). Results of bark anal-  sampling sites in the CUASO were cleaned,
               yses collected in different sampling sites of   freeze-dried and ground for analyses. The an-
               São Paulo Metropolitan Region indicated vari-  alytical methods of X - ray fluorescence spec-
               ability in the elements concentrations with    trometry (XRFS) and neutron activation anal-
               the proximity and intensity of the different   ysis (NAA) were applied to these analyses.
               emission sources and these results indicated   Replicate analyses of a lichen sample by XRFS
               four possible emission origins, such as vehic-  and NAA, indicated good homogeneity of the
               ular plus soil resuspension, industrial, marine   sample for the elements determined. The li-
               aerosol and tree bark composition itself.      chen results showed that the mean concentra-
                                                              tions of As, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Rb, Sb, Se and
                                                              U were higher in samples from CUASO than
                                                              those from regions considered unpolluted. For
                                                              Fe, K, La, S, V and Zn, they were of the same
                                                              order of magnitude. For some elements, the
                                                              hot spots of their concentrations were prob-
                                                              ably verified due to the dispersion of particu-
                                                              late material from laboratory or incinerator
                                                              emissions and building constructions.

                                                              Production and characterization of
                                                              biological reference materials

                                                              A certified reference material (CRM) is a ref-
                                                              erence material accompanied by a certifi-
                                                              cate, whose values are certified by a proce-
                                                              dure which establishes its traceability to an
                                                              accurate realization, in which the value is ex-
                                                              pressed and each certified value is accompa-
                                                              nied by an uncertainty at a given level of con-
                                                              fidence. Certified reference materials are still
                                                              not widely used in Brazil and other Latin Amer-
                                                              ican countries. The main reason is the high cost
                                                              of these materials, since most of them are im-
               Fig 22
                                                              ported. Reference materials are important tools
                                                              in the quality assurance of analytical results
               Biomonitoring of chemical element              as they are used in method validation, calibra-
               pollutants using Epiphytic lichen              tion of instruments and in the realization of

                                                              the traceability of analytical results to stated
               In this study, for passive biomonitoring of air   references. The Neutron Activation Laboratory
               pollution levels at the Cidade Universitária   has been involved in the development of Bra-
               Armando Salles de Oliveira (CUASO), Univer-    zilian biological reference materials, such as
               sity of São Paulo campus, epiphytic lichens of   mussel and fish with support of the Interna-
               Canoparmelia texana species were used. The     tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
               lichens collected from tree barks at different

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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