Page 175 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 175

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  175

               (Alface d’água), Salvinia herzogii de la Sota   cades, the aim of this study was to evaluate
               (Salvínia, Orelha-de-rato) e Salvinia cf moles-  the concentration of metals, major and trace
               ta D. S. Mitch (Salvínia, Orelha-de-rato). Multi-  elements in surface and core sediment sam-
               variate statistical analysis suggested that the   ples, in 34 points from its source in Salesopo-
               elements As, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb e Se may have   lis until the end, on Parana River. In all these
               a common source. (Partnership: Companhia       studies, the toxic metal, some trace and rare
               Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo - CETESB;     earth element concentrations using three an-
               Financial support: CNEN, CNPq).                alytical techniques (INAA, AAS and ICP OES)
                                                              were assessed in bottom and core sediment
               Sediments                                      samples. The distribution of some major (Fe,

                                                              K and Na), trace (As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Hg,
               The study of the metal distribution in sed-    Rb, Sb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U and Zn) and rare earth
               iments is very important from the point of     (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Nd, Sm, Tb and Yb) elements in
               view of environmental pollution. The sediment   sediment samples was done by using INAA.
               concentrates metals in aquatic systems, and    ICP OES was used to determine metals Al, As,
               represents a relevant contamination monitor.   Ba, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se and Zn. For the tox-
               Studies of sediments from estuaries, lakes and   ic metals Cd, Hg and Pb, the AAS (GF and CV)
               rivers, which have been polluted by heavy met-  technique was applied. The concentration val-
               als, represent the comprehension of transpor-  ues obtained for the metals As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Hg,
               tation phenomena in these complex ecosys-      Ni, Pb and Zn were compared to the Canadi-
               tems and the discovery of the pollution history.   an Council of Minister of the Environment
               Two projects were developed within this im-    (CCME) oriented values (TEL and PEL values),
               portant subject: “Toxic Metal, Trace and Rare   adopted by CETESB. The Enrichment Factor
               Earth Element assessment in sediments from     (EF) and Geoaccumulation index (IGeo) were
               water supply reservoirs from São Paulo State”.   also used for sediment contamination assess-
               Five important reservoirs, Rio Grande, Guara-  ment. From these data, an evaluation of met-
               piranga, Billings, Itupararanga and Graminha   al and trace elements accumulation in sed-
               (Caconde) were and are still being studied. The   iments was done as well as the assessment
               other important project is “Evaluation of the   of possible adverse interference of these ele-
               Extension and Pollution History by Metals and   ments in the biota and water quality of these
               Trace Elements in River Sediments - Case Study,   environments.
               Tietê River, State of Sao Paulo”. The Tiete River
               drains an area composed of six sub-basins (Alto   Another study was related to the contamina-
               Tiete, Sorocaba/Médio Tiete, Piracicaba-Capi-  tion of an estuarine system, a lagoon-estuary
               vari -Jundiai, Tiete/Batalha, Tiete/Jacaré and   complex area of Iguape-Cananéia, located in
               Baixo Tiete). Along its extension (1,100 km),   the coast of São Paulo State. Cananéia is con-
               its margins bathe 62 municipalities. In spite   sidered as part of Biosphere Natural Reserve
               of all its historical contribution, hydroelectric   due to its environmental and cultural impor-
               potential and being one of the most economi-   tance and is considered unpolluted. The re-
               cally important rivers in the state of São Paulo,   gion encloses the Valo Grande channel, built
               the Tiete River is also one of the world’s most   more than 160 years ago, which favors the
               polluted rivers, especially in the municipali-  introduction of fresh water from Ribeira de
               ty of the city of São Paulo. As a result of pol-  Iguape River directly into the estuarine sys-
               lution problems observed in the last few de-   tem, contributing to important biogeochem-
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