Page 170 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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170   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               e-Science                                      tal measurements or  the neutron activation
                                                              analysis and its applications in environmen-
               At the heart of the scientific development is   tal studies, archaeology, forensics, nutrition
               the finding of new knowledge; generation,      and health, all generating a large volume of
               support and knowledge maintenance form         data that must be stored, curated, processed
               the basis of the scientific challenge.         and made available to the scientific commu-
                                                              nity as well as to the society.
               One of the pillars of science is the ability of re-
               production of the results of scientific research   The e-Science project at IPEN aims to create a
               by independent researchers, making possible    technological infrastructure that can embrace
               the validation of methods, results and their   this new methodology and that would allow
               conclusions.                                   new workflows of scientific discovery, solv-
                                                              ing what has become an important problem
               In order to enable this in the current scenario,   for the scientific research - the organization,
               where the scientific data production became    classification, selection and sharing of the gi-
               so intense (“big data”), systematic storing and   ant amount of data produced in recent years
               curation methods, together with mechanisms     by all research areas of IPEN.
               for making this data available in a secure way,
               must be implemented.                           The first project, under the scope of the e-Sci-
                                                              ence umbrella, is the creation of a Data Ontol-
               With this data deluge, the whole scientific pro-  ogy for Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) lab-
               cess is impacted, giving rise to a new science   oratory. A semantic layer is being built atop of
               paradigm, the e-Science, known as “The Fourth   the traditional data layer to allow more intel-
               Paradigm of scientific exploration”; it’s related   ligent exploration of all data produced by the
               to the data intensive science as distinguished   NAA technique.
               from the traditional computational science.
                                                              Activities at the Nuclear
               e-Science is related to finding and sharing    Metrology Laboratory
               knowledge in the form of experimental data,
               rich theoretical vocabularies, papers and reus-  For many years, the Nuclear Metrology Labo-
               able services, useful to scientific community.  ratory (LMN) has been involved in developing
                                                              procedures for the standardization of import-
               To deal with all challenges of this new scenar-  ant radionuclides applied in nuclear medi-
               io, a complex and large set of knowledge, sys-  cine or reference standards for semiconduc-
               tems, methods and technologies is involved.    tor detectors. The primary systems used by
               Mathematical models, digital repositories and   the LMN for this purpose are two 4πδ-δ co-
               data management, new hardware, software,       incidence systems: one consisting of a pro-
               protocols, tools and services are some of the   portional counter, coupled to one or two 3”x
               necessary items to support the demands of      3” NaI(Tl) crystals, and a triple coincidence
               this new science paradigm.                     system, consisting of a proportional count-
                                                              er, coupled to a 2”x 2” NaI(Tl) crystal and  to a
               IPEN has a large number of different researches,   HPGe crystal. An additional coincidence sys-
               such as the Lidar applications in environmen-  tem has been established, employing a plas-

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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