Page 173 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 173

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  173

               Environmental                                  term cumulative health effects, making them
               applications of neutron                        priority pollutants. Several authors studied

               activation analysis                            metal contamination in soils under and in the
                                                              vicinity of discarded vehicle scrapyards, me-
                                                              chanic workshops and vehicle dismantlers.
               Trace elements status in the terrain           Most of them observed moderate to high con-
               of an impounded vehicle scrapyard              tamination by Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and

                                                              Zn in the top layer of soil (0-10 cm), decreas-
               Urban soil contamination varies considerably   ing with depth.
               depending on different anthropogenic activ-
               ities within city perimeters. However, one of   In Brazil, in spite of the increasing number
               the most common sources of pollution pres-     of IVS, the consequent soil metal contamina-
               ent in most cities is vehicular. Over the past   tion has still received little attention. There-
               decade, worldwide vehicle production has in-   fore, studies on metal contamination in soils
               creased rapidly and tends to continue to rise   of Brazilian vehicle impound scrapyards may
               due to demand. In Brazil, the number of li-    provide valuable information to support re-
               censed vehicles has increased by 118% over     mediation procedures, as well as encourage
               the last decade, totaling a fleet of 89 million   improvements in the management practices
               vehicles in 2015. Impounded vehicle scrapy-    of these areas.
               ard (IVS) overcrowding has become a problem
               in many Brazilian cities. Brazilian law states   The aim of this study was to evaluate topsoil
               that apprehended vehicles must not remain      samples from an IVS located in Ribeirão Pires,
               longer than 90 days in an impound yard. How-   São Paulo, for potentially toxic elements (PTEs),
               ever, in spite of this, they remain longer than   such as As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, V and Zn,
               that and suffer from weathering action. Most-  and rare earth elements. Mass fractions of all
               ly, the ground of these areas is not imperme-  elements, except for Co, Cu, Mo and Zn, were
               able. The main sources of pollution are liquid   higher than reference values. Hot spots were
               residue spills, leachates produced by rainwa-  observed for most elements suggesting ve-
               ter leaching and particulate material result-  hicular source. The geoaccumulation index
               ing from vehicle decomposition.                showed moderate pollution of As. The enrich-
                                                              ment factor pointed to a significant enrich-
               Metals and some metalloids are important       ment of As, Mo and Pb. The normalization of
               pollution sources in different parking areas.   REEs to Earth’s crust values indicated a posi-
               Many metals are present at different levels in   tive anomaly of Ce. The results indicate a po-
               leaded and unleaded gasoline, diesel oil, an-  tential risk to the soil quality of the scrapy-
               ti-wear substances added to lubricants, brake   ard. (Partnership: Instituto de Geociências da
               pads, and tires, as well as emitted by vehicle   UNICAMP; Financial support: CNEN, CNPq).
               exhausts. The main components of automo-
               biles are steel materials, including those that   Potentially toxic elements in tunnel
               contain alloys and are composed by elements    dusts from São Paulo city
               such as Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Ni . Met-
               als are non-degradable in soil, and their high   The vehicle traffic is the major source of air pol-
               toxicity and persistent nature in the environ-  lution in São Paulo, one of the largest megaci-
               ment, even at low levels, may result in long-  ties in the world (20 million inhabitants in an
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