Page 168 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 168

168   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               aiming to improve IPEN’s NAA results, either   ports the results to an Excel-compatible spread-
               by focusing in the technique itself or in the   sheet was developed. The software, written
               data analysis.                                 in the Pascal computer language, makes use
                                                              of several tools shipped with Canberra’s Ge-
               In this sense, Sm determination in urani-      nie-2000 to import all the spectra found in a
               um-rich samples was studied, focusing not      given folder, import energy and FWHM calibra-
               only in the interference of fission-produced   tions from a saved reference spectrum (chosen
               Sm, but also in the spectral interference in the   by the operator according to the detector sys-
               103keV gamma-ray line that arises from the     tem from which the spectra came) and analyze
               x-rays of Pu, which is produced by sequential   the resulting spectra; an in-house procedure
               neutron captures on  U and  Np. The result-    then reads Genie’s output file and produces a
               ing time-depending correction factor, a novel   Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file converted
               concept that arose from this work, proved to   to the Brazilian language standards (commas
               properly address the problem, rendering re-    as decimal separators and semicolons separat-
               liable results for Sm even in the presence of   ing fields) that can be opened in a typical in-
               high amounts of uranium.                       stallation of Microsoft Excel.

               A thorough investigation on sources of uncer-  Preliminary studies aiming to implement coin-
               tainty in comparative NAA measurements has     cidence comparative NAA in IPEN were started,
               also been made, focusing not only in the ex-   in collaboration with NIST and UTexas-Austin
               plicit uncertainty factors, but also in factors   (USA), and a fully-digital gamma-gamma co-
               that are hidden in the simplification made in   incidence system is under development at IP-
               the comparative method. In this work, the pos-  EN’s Applied Nuclear Physics Laboratory. This
               sible variation in the HPGe detector efficiency   technique aims to provide an extra tool for
               between measurements was studied in great      NAA analyses when regular NAA can’t give
               detail, and it was shown that for dead-times   good results because of strong spectral inter-
               below 10%, the efficiency variation won’t con-  ferences, either from very similar gamma-ray
               tribute with more than 0.05% to the final un-  peaks or from strong Compton or bremsstrah-
               certainty. A study on the explicit sources of   lung continua.
               uncertainty has shown that, for long-lived
               isotopes (half-lives greater than one day), the   Basic Nuclear Physics
               time-related parameters (decay constant and
               time) contribute with no more than 0.5% of     The half-life of short-lived 27Mg was studied
               the final uncertainty; the counting statistics   by following the activity of samples after they
               and comparator concentration contribute with   were irradiated in the IEA-R1 reactor. The re-
               most of the uncertainty (usually around 80-    sulting value of 564.5(7) s is compatible with
               90% of the total), while the uncertainties in   most of the literature values, but not with the
               the masses typically contribute with less than   ENSDF compilation value, accepted as a ref-
               20% of the final uncertainty value.            erence value for most experiments, suggest-
                                                              ing that further precise measurements of this
               In an attempt to promote automation of the     half-life should be made, and that the ENSDF
               NAA data analysis procedures, a simple soft-   value should probably be reassessed.
               ware that automatically analyses spectra in
               different formats (CHN, CNF and MCA) and ex-   In a collaboration with the Pelletron laborato-

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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