Page 171 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 171

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  171

               tic scintillator detector in 4π geometry, called   tection spectra, including coincidence events
               4π(PS)δ-δ. The disintegration rate is obtained   and secondary radiation emission such as con-
               by the application of the efficiency extrapola-  version electrons, X-rays and Auger electrons.
               tion technique.                                A new code has been started to calculate the
                                                              cascade summing correction based on MCNP6
               These systems can run by means of conven-      calculations.
               tional electronics for data acquisition or by ap-
               plying a Software Coincidence System (SCS)     The LMN has also been involved in the deter-
               capable of registering both amplitude and      mination of gamma ray emission probability
               time of occurrence of all pulses produced in   per decay of 64Cu. The measurement of gam-
               the beta and gamma detection channels. The     ma ray emission probability per decay was
               SCS allows selection of parameters such as     carried out by means of a REGe spectrome-
               beta and gamma discrimination windows or       ter with a Be window. As a by-product of this
               dead time and resolving time after the mea-    technique, gamma emitting radionuclide im-
               surement has been completed. As a result, sev-  purities from the radiopharmaceuticals pro-
               eral extrapolation curves, each one obtained   duced by IPEN have been determined by the
               in a different experimental condition, can be   LMN for quality assurance as required by the
               determined from a single measurement.          Brazilian authorities.

               Liquid scintillation counting is another prima-  Another field where the LMN has been in-
               ry standardization technique recently adopt-   volved is neutron measurements. Since 2007,
               ed by the LMN. In this case, the CIEMAT/NIST   research is being developed on covariance anal-
               and TDCR methodologies have been applied.      ysis of k0 Nuclear Activation Analysis (NAA)
                                                              methodology. During the period from 2014 to
               During the period from 2014 to 2016, the fol-  2016, the neutron spectral parameter δ and
               lowing radionuclides have been standardized    the neutron flux ratio f were determined at
               by these primary techniques: 14C, 32P, 64Cu,   the 24A irradiation position near the IEA-R1
               90Y and 111In.                                 research reactor core. In addition, parame-
                                                              ters k0 an Q0 were determined experimental-
               As a complementary activity related to radio-  ly for reactions 63Cu(n,δ)64Cu, 74Se(n,δ)75Se,
               nuclide standardization, the LMN has been      94Zr(n,δ)95Zr, 96Zr(n,δ)97Zr, 113In(n,δ)114In,
               heavily involved in Monte Carlo simulation     186W(n,δ)187W and 191Ir(n,δ)192Ir.
               of the extrapolation curves obtained by the
               4πδ-δ coincidence technique. For this pur-     The LMN also supplied standard sources of
               pose, the response functions of beta and gam-  152Eu, 133Ba and 57Co for the calibration of
               ma detectors have been calculated by means     detection systems as part of the FAPESP-ap-
               of the transport code MCNP, version 6. These   proved project “Ionization of internal atomic
               response functions are used as input data for   layers by impact of electrons with energies of
               another code developed at the LMN, called      10 keV to 5 MeV in the Microtron of São Pau-
               ESQUEMA. This code makes use of the Mon-       lo” coordinated by Prof. Vito R. Vanin from the
               te Carlo method for simulating all detection   Institute of Physics of the University of São
               processes involved during radionuclide decay,   Paulo (IFUSP).
               being able to predict the beta and gamma de-
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