Page 176 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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176   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               ical changes in the region. Through this chan-
               nel, many nutrients arrive at the estuary, as
               well as, metals and other slightly soluble ele-
               ments, which end up as sediments. The pur-
               pose was to undertake a comparative study
               of biogeochemical impacts in this area, with
               emphasis to the Valo Grande influence, ana-
               lyzing sediment samples collected along the
               region. The sediment samples (superficial and   Fig 19. Sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck, 1816).
               cores) were analyzed by INAA technique. The
               focus was on the Rare Earth Elements (REE)
               behavior and distribution in this estuarine
               system and surroundings. These findings are
               very important, considering the different sce-
               narios of impact and environmental preserva-
               tion contained in the various sectors of a sin-
               gle system, seeking to highlight processes of
               transportation and distribution of materials,
               as well as the recording of preterit process-
               es. Finally, this work allows the verification
               of the potential of this tool in the evaluation
               of natural and anthropogenic environmental
               contributions in coastal water systems. (Part-
               nership: Environmental Company of the São      Fig 20. Sea urchin, Sterechinus Neumayeri (Meissner, 1900).
               Paulo State - CETESB, Instituto Oceanográfico
               - IOUSP, Instituto de Geociências da USP; Fi-  São Sebastião Channel (contaminated region)
               nancial support: FAPESP).                      (23.058’ – 23.053’S) and Ilhabela (control place)
                                                              (45.230’ – 45.589’W) by using the Lytechinus
               Biomonitoring of marine pollution              variegatus species and Comandante Ferraz Bra-
                                                              zilian Antartic Station (EACF), part of the Bra-
               Sea urchins are marine and benthic inverte-    zilian Antarctic Base, King George Island, Ad-
               brates, many of which sessile or with reduced   miralty Bay, Antarctica, by using Sterechinus
               mobility. The species Lytechinus variegatus    neumayeri species. In this last region, two plac-
               (Lamarck, 1816) is geographically widely dis-  es were chosen: the “control” place known as
               tributed, from North Carolina, in the United   Botany (62 05. 400’ - 62 05. 556’ S; 058 18,127’
               States, to the South of Brazil. The species Ster-  - 058 18. 612’ W) and the other, the “contam-
               echinus neumayeri (Meissner, 1900) is most     inated” one, an area near the station where a
               abundant in shallow Antarctic seawater, from   fire occurred in 2012, consuming about 70%
               the coast until 400 m depth. The purpose of    of the facilities. After collection, a mixture of
               the present study was to verify if these sea   gonads and gut of the sea urchins (20 individ-
               urchin species can be used as biomonitor for   uals of each site) were prepared for analyses.
               metal contamination studies in two regions. In   Two analytical techniques were applied and
               each region, two different places were select-  the concentrations of the following elements
               ed for study: The north coast of São Paulo, the   were determined: some trace elements (As, Ba,

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