Page 179 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 179

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  179

               Fig 23. Bottles of the bovine kidney reference material.

               All the steps for the production of a bovine   similar matrix showed that the mussel candi-
               kidney reference material were developed,      date reference material presents particle size
               including sampling, sample pretreatments,      distribution similar to the IAEA-407 fish ho-
               freeze-drying, grinding, sieving, homogeni-    mogenate, prepared with similar technique.
               zation and gamma ray sterilization. Physical   (Partnership: CQMA – IPEN; Funding: IAEA,
               and chemical characterization following in-    FAPESP, CNPq, CNEN, CAPES).
               ternationally agreed recommendations were
               performed, with emphasis on the assessment
               of the stability of the material, its homogene-
               ity status, residual water content and granu-
               lometric characterization. An international
               interlaboratory program was performed for as-
               signment of As, Cd, Cu, Cl, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, K, Mg,
               Mn, Na, Pb, Se and Zn values and associated
               expanded uncertainties for the kidney tissue.
                                                              Fig 24. Particle size distribution for various reference materials.
               In the case of the previously prepared mus-
               sel reference material, its particle size distri-
               bution was characterized by Laser Diffraction   NAA studies in Crassostrea oyster shells
               Particle Analysis and compared with other ref-
               erence materials as the distribution may in-   In this study, the neutron activation is used in
               terfere with the homogeneity properties of     the Crassostrea genus oyster shells to verify
               the material. It was observed that the mussel   the feasibility of using trace elements as pa-
               candidate reference material presents mean     leo-environmental markers. Samples of oys-
               particle size of 94.6 ± 0.8 μm, with Gaussian   ter shells were collected covering the South,
               distribution. The comparison with the results   Southeast and Northeast regions of Brazil.
               obtained for certified reference materials with   To determine the crystalline structure of the
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