Page 190 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 190

190   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               Fig  29  shows  the                                                    in hyperspace. How-
               Marajoara  ceram-                                                      ever, canonical dis-
               ic  from  Marajó  Is-                                                  criminant  analysis
               land  on  the  Ama-                                                    extracts a new set of
               zon river delta area,                                                  variables that maxi-
               highly elaborated by                                                   mize the differences
               means of a process                                                     between two or more
               of  cultural  change                                                   groups rather than
               that occurred with-                                                    maximizing the total
               in communities that                                                    variance of the data-
               inhabited  the  area                                                   set. It is based on the
               3500 years ago. Ra-                                                    assumption that the
               diocarbon  dates                                                       pooled variance–co-
               place the period of                                                    variance matrix is an
               major  growth  and                                                     accurate representa-
               expansion of Marajo-                                                   tion of the total vari-
               ara culture between                                                    ance and covariance.
               the 5th and 14th cen-   Fig 29. Funerary urn.                          It is assumed that all
               turies. The Marajoara                                                  elements in the data
               style seems to be related to different regions   necessarily belong to one of the known groups.
               within the Marajoara domain, as well as to     Procrustes analysis with stopping rule is used
               different chronological periods. The designs   for selection of subsets of variables preserving
               have a symbolic significance of a social or reli-  multivariate data structure.
               gious character with highly complex ceremo-
               nial wares in form and decoration.             Neutron Activation
                                                              Analysis and Electron
               In order to test the archaeological hypothesis,
               with the elements determined by INAA, spe- Spin Resonance for

               cial attention is paid in establishing inter-sam-  Fossil Samples Dating
               ple similarity by means of advanced statistical
               methods. The dataset obtained are studied us-  The Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating is
               ing several multivariate analyses, such as Ma-  based on the fact that ionizing radiation can
               halanobis distance, cluster analysis, principal   create stable free radicals in insulating mate-
               components analysis, kernel density, discrimi-  rials, like tooth enamel and bones. The concen-
               nant analysis, Procrustes analysis, self-organiz-  tration of these radicals - determined by ESR -
               ing maps, etc. Mahalanobis distance is used to   is a function of the dose deposed in the sample
               determine outliers in multivariate data. Clus-  along the years. The accumulated dose of ra-
               ter analysis using the squared-mean Euclide-   diation, called Archeologial Dose (AD), is pro-
               an distance represented in a dendrogram as     duced by the exposition to environmental ra-
               an initial step in the identification of groups.   diation provided by U, Th, K and cosmic rays. If
               In principal components analysis, the trans-   the environmental dose rate (Dan) in the site
               formation of the dataset is based on eigen-    where the fossil sample is found is known, it
               vector methods to determine the direction      is possible to convert this dose into the age of
               and the magnitude of maximum variance          the sample by the equation: age=AD/Dan. The

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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