Page 214 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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214 Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report
tions. The data sheets and all information in lished at calibration laboratory.
relation to the new procedures were integrat-
ed in one database. The improvements imple- Metrology in Diagnostic Radiology
mented have reduced costs and increased pro-
ductivity. The Calibration Laboratory has since 1980 been
calibrating instruments used in radiation pro-
Diagnostic Radiology tection and therapy measurements and be-
longing to hospitals, industries, clinics and
It was developed the improvement of one cal- other users located in São Paulo and in other
ibration procedure of mammography dosime- parts of Brazil.
ters (ionization chambers) to be applied at clin-
ical X-ray system of the calibration laboratory Since 2000, calibration service is being offered
(IPEN-CNEN/SP). The clinical X-ray system was to users of diagnostic radiology instruments
studied in their behavior, or tested with re- with the establishment of standard radiation
spect to their response such as: repeatability, quality at this level.
reproducibility of the nominal voltage, current
and air kerma rate. The results obtained show At the radiation protection level, there are spe-
the possibility to use the clinical X-ray system cial set-ups with gamma (60Co and 137Cs),
in calibration procedures. After those studies, beta (90Sr + 90Y, 204Tl and 147Pm), alpha
one calibration procedure of mammography (241Am, 233U, 238Pu, 244Cm, etc.) and low
dosimeters (ionization chambers) was estab- energy X radiations (60 kV).
Figure 17 - X radiation calibration system.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares