Page 210 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 210

210   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               saturation curve, ions collection efficiency,   5 years old head size. It can be seen at Fig.13.
               polarity effect and the linearity of the ioniza-  The results showed attenuation up to 23%
               tion chamber response. For the implementa-     when different materials are used as skullcap,
               tion of the methodology, the radiation qualities   demonstrating that the DRL’s adopted could
               the T- 10 to T-100 were established, follow-   be overestimating the dose received by pedi-
               ing the recommendations of the IAEA code       atric patients.
               of practice, TRS 398. The reference ionization
               chamber positioned in the PMMA phantom
               is shown Fig. 12.

                                                              Figure 13. Head pediatric phantom: cortical
                                                              (aluminum) and cancellous (PVC) bone.

                                                              PRODUCTS AND SERVICES

                                                              Institutional Environmental
               Figure 12. Parallel plate ionization chamber po-
               sitioned in the PMMA phantom.                  Radiological Monitoring Program

                                                              The Environmental Radiometry Laboratory of
               To improve the dosimetry in computed tomog-    the Radiation Metrology Center is responsible
               raphy procedures, a guide providing informa-   for the planning and execution of the Institu-
               tion to the adequate use of a calibrated pencil   tional Environmental Radiological Monitoring
               ionization chamber was developed. The guide    Program (PMRA). This Program is developed in
               includes guidance prior knowledge of half val-  a two-fold approach.
               ue layer (HVL), as it is necessary to know the
               effective beam energy for application quality   Preventive evaluation involves collection of
               for correction factor (kq). In this work, it was   effluent samples generated at IPEN, includ-
               decided to test a Tandem System consisting of   ing those from Radiopharmacy Program and
               five aluminum and three PMMA cylindrical ab-   Research Reactor Center, and the character-
               sorbing layers coupled to the pencil ionization   ization of their radioactive contents. Subse-
               chamber. Using Tandem curves, it was possi-    quently, the radiation effective doses of the
               ble to assess HVL values and the calibration   critical groups of population are assessed on
               coefficients to the appropriate beam.          an annual basis, by using dispersion models
                                                              recommended by IAEA.
               To contribute to the Diagnostic Reference Lev-
               els determination to pediatric CT scans, a head   The confirmatory evaluation is performed by
               pediatric phantom using materials to simulate   collection and analysis of samples from envi-
               the skullcap was developed: cortical bone (alu-  ronmental matrices including atmospheric air,
               minum) and cancellous bone (PVC). It was filled   soil, groundwater and rainwater in IPEN’s sur-
               with distilled water. Its dimension follows the   roundings, in order to determine their radio-
               recommendation of the World Health Orga-       active contents. Several analytical techniques
               nization and the UCRU for children from 0 to   such as gamma-ray spectrometry, liquid scin-

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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