Page 207 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 207

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  207

               by movement using the Magnetic Resonance       body, the angles of electron incidence that are
               Image - MRI and compared qualitatively and     varied and the orientation of the bundles. In
               quantitatively with other systems. The con-    this study, LiF:Mg,Ti and CaSO4:Dy dosime-
               gruence of the isodose curves, with the signal   ters were used to evaluate the entrance dose
               intensity of the MRI image and the large dif-  distribution to the skin. The LiF:Mg,Ti showed
               ference in signal intensity of the MRI image   uncertainty of ± 0,1% and CaSO4:Dy, ± 0,2%.
               with the isodoses, shows that the movement     In the TSI irradiation procedure, the real con-
               generates a blurring are shown in figure 7.    ditions for the patient’s treatment were im-
                                                              plemented. An anthropomorphic phantom
                                                              (Figure 8) was positioned on a turntable and
                                                              the TL dosimeters were positioned in sever-
                                                              al anatomical regions such as abdomen, tho-
                                                              rax center, thorax right, thorax left, posterior,
                                                              right side, right thigh, perineum and front.
                                                              The doses were acquired on alternate days,
                                                              allowing a better study of the skin. Other fac-
                                                              tors were analyzed in this study, such as the
                                                              homogeneity of the field and the dose at the
                                                              calibration point (ZRef). Considering the char-
               Figure 7- Fricke Gel Phantom VMAT Irradiation and con-  acteristics of the irradiation field(,) the maxi-
               gruence between dose distribution and MRI signal.
                                                              mum dose deposition should be delivered in
                                                              a few millimeters of the skin surface (5 - 15
               Comparative study of the TL response in        mm). Comparing the dose at the calibration
               clinical electron beams dosimetry applied to   point, a small variation was observed in re-
               Total Skin Irradiation – TSI Treatments        lation to the other points studied such as the

                                                              posterior region and the right side of the an-
                Total Skin Irradiation - TSI is a radiothera-  thropomorphic phantom. The TL dosimeters
               py technique applied in the treatment of cer-  presented good results for dose evaluation in
               tain generalized malignant diseases of the     TSI treatment.
               skin. This treatment aims to irradiate the pa-
               tient’s entire skin evenly with large electron
               fields. The radiation penetrates a few milli-  Figure 8 -
               meters into the skin and reaches the affect-   Phantom
               ed part completely without penetrating the     used in clinical
               internal organs. The application of electrons   electron beams
                                                              dosimetry applied
               in therapy requires great accuracy in the dose   to Total Skin
               absorbed by the tumor since a variation of ±   Irradiation – TSI
               5% is determinant in the risk of relapse or se-
               quelae. In the TSI Stanford technique, the pa-
               tient is treated by a two-day cycle with three
               dual fields per day. When the patient is placed
               in the six positions with a double field irradia-
               tion at each position, the dose is considered less
               uniform due to the curvature of the patient’s
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