Page 202 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 202

202   Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report

               centrations average for the eight monitoring   Inorganic chemical characterization of
               stations at non-contaminated locations varied   sediment cores from Pantanal da Nhecolândia,
               from 22 ± 4 kBq·m3 to 39 ± 4 kBq·m3. For the   MS, dated by the  Pb method
               two monitoring stations assumed as contam-
               inated locations, radon concentrations aver-   Pantanal da Nhecolândia, geographically locat-
               age were 1.4 ± 0.4 kBq·m3 and 13 ± 9 kBq·m3.   ed in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, is part
               The results have shown good agreement be-      of the Brazilian Pantanal, and has its specific
               tween the used method and the convention-      characteristics, one being the existence of sa-
               al environmental investigation techniques,     line lakes, commonly known as Salinas. There-
               for the majority of the monitoring stations in   fore, to estimate a possible human influence, a
               different seasons. Results obtained with CR39   study was initiated in Pantanal da Nhecolândia
               detectors varied over the exposure time due    in 2010, where four sediment cores were col-
               to the different seasons. No relation was ob-  lected in Salinas A, 6, M, and V. The elements
               served between radon activity concentrations   As, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na,
               and rain volume accumulated over the differ-   Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb, and Zn were
               ent CR39 exposure times. The lowest 222Rn      determined using instrumental neutron acti-
               activity concentrations occurred in “G” and    vation analysis (INAA), in the fine (silt + clay)
               “H” monitoring stations, also verified by gam-  and coarse (medium sand + fine sand) fractions
               ma-ray spectrometry, that the low activities   of the sediment. The sedimentation rates and
               are not related to the activity concentration of   age of the sediments were determined using
               its father  Ra from the  U decay chain, rein-  the  Pb method. The grain size analysis and
               forcing the theory that radon gas is retained in   the water content of the sediment samples
               sites where NAPL contamination is present. Re-  were also determined to assist in the interpre-
               sults obtained during environmental remedi-    tation of the results. The four sediment cores
               ation proved that the methodology employed     showed different sedimentation rates, which
               in this study was more efficient than the con-  is probably related to drought and flood peri-
               ventional investigation techniques, especially   ods. The grain size analysis showed that the
               for the “D” and “G” monitoring stations to the   Salinas have a percentage of the fine fraction
               investigated site.                             oscillating from 3.5% in Salina M to 70% in Sali-
                                                              na A, which is characteristic of this region. The
                                                              results were compared with the values of the
                                                              Upper Continental Crust – UCC and the North
                                                              American Shale Composite – NASC, and some
                                                              elements showed values above these, includ-
                                                              ing the elements As, Hf, Rb and Sb, in the two
                                                              fractions of the sediment. These results of con-
                                                              centration of the elements in the four Salinas
                                                              suggest the existence of natural deposits of
                                                              these elements. The results of concentration
                                                              of the studied elements in the present work
                                                              suggest that there is no anthropogenic influ-
                                                              ence in the region. To evaluate these concentra-
                                                              tion values the enrichment factor – EF was cal-
               Figure 4. Salina and vegetation in Pantanal da Nhecolândia, MS.  culated using reference values from the UCC,

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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