Page 199 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 199

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  199

               sure index only the Iberê Crema Bordeaux and   risk index (Hex) and also the absorbed dose
               Iberê Mombasa granites indicate limitations    rate (D) and annual effective dose (Def) were
               when applying as surface material. However,    calculated from the activity concentrations of
               considering the gamma exposure index, the      226 Ra,  Th and 40K. The activity concentration
               granites Cinza Corumbá, Cinza Andorinha, Am-   values for  226 Ra ranged from under the min-
               arelo Icaraí, Cinza Ocre, Iberê Crema Bordeaux   imum detectable activity to 38.7 Bq·kg1, for
               and Iberê Mombasa have controlled applica-     232 Th from under the minimum detectable ac-
               tion. In conclusion, the evaluated granites and   tivity to 101.2 Bq·kg1 and for 40K from under
               all marbles evaluated have viable applications   the minimum detectable activity to 256 Bq·kg1.
               in different activity sectors and for different   Raeq ranged from 1.41 Bq·kg1 to 203 Bq·kg1, Iδ
               purposes and the granites that exceeded the    ranged from 0.0047 to 0.720, Hin from 0.0076
               proposed limits should not be applied in the   to 0.653 and Hex from 0.0038 to 0.549. The ab-
               interior of residences.                        sorbed dose rate ranged from 0.170 nGy·h1
                                                              to 21.3 nGy·h1 and the annual effective dose
               Assessment of natural radioactivity in         ranged from 0.83 μSv to 104.2 μSv. The results
               wall paints of commercial use in Brazil        show that the activity concentrations of the
                                                              wall paints studied in this work are below the
               Natural radioactivity in soils, rocks and con-  recommended limits by Hassan et al. for Raeq
               struction materials, due to 40K and the nat-   (370 Bq·kg1), by European Commission for Iδ
               ural series of  232 Th and  238 U, is the main con-  (limit of 2 for superficial materials) and by the
               tribution to external exposure in mankind.     Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
               Activity concentrations of  226 Ra ( U series),   Development for Hin and Hex (both with limit
               232 Th and 40K were determined for 50 white    of 1), for all the 50 samples, assuring the safe-
               latex wall paints samples, commercialized in   ty of these wall paints with respect to radio-
               Brazil, namely 15 Economic quality samples,    logical protection.
               15 Standard quality samples and 20 Premi-
               um quality samples and for a single titani-    The use of representative person and
               um dioxide sample. The samples were tightly    critical group concepts for environmental
               sealed and stored for a minimum period of 30   control of nuclear facilities in Brazil
               days, to reach the radioactive secular equilibri-
               um from  U and  Th series, then measured       According to the National Commission for Nu-
               by high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry.     clear Energy, CNEN, the assessment of environ-
               The activity concentration was determined      mental radiological impact from the release of
               using the weighted average concentrations      radionuclides to the environment due to nor-
               of 214Pb and 214Bi for  Ra and  Ac, 212Pb      mal operation of nuclear facilities, for protect-
               and 212Bi for  Th. The 40K activity concen-    ing the public, considers the concept of critical
               tration was determined by its single transition   group. In 2006, the International Commission
               of 1460.8 keV. Self-attenuation correction fac-  on Radiological Protection (ICRP), for the same
               tors of the samples whose densities are higher   purpose, proposed the adoption of the concept
               than 1.0 g·cm3 were determined and used to     of representative person. Once, at some point,
               make the necessary corrections. The radiolog-  this new concept probably will be adopted
               ical indices radium equivalent activity (Raeq),   in Brazil. The changes in terms of procedures
               activity concentration index (Iδ), internal ex-  for calculating and consequent results aris-
               posure risk index (Hin) and external exposure   ing from the application of the representative
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