Page 204 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 204
204 Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report
ity control program of equipment with radia- that the improvements in the plant have con-
tion, as mammographers. Four different spe- tributed to the dose reduction of the workers.
cial ionization chambers, developed at the
Calibration Laboratory of Instruments of IPEN, Dosimetric Materials
were submitted to the characterization tests
in standard X radiation beams at the LCI. The The main objective of this research area is the
results were satisfactory, within the limits es- development of new dosimetric materials with
tablished by national and international stan- high sensitivity, low cost and easy obtaining
dards. As an application, the ionization cham- to be applied in external dosimetry.
bers were used for quality control tests in four
mammography clinics from different institu- Dosimetro Fricke/Alanina Gel
tions, as the repeatability and linearity of the
air kerma rate. The results obtained in these DL-Alanine (C3H7NO2) is an amino acid tis-
tests were within the limits recommended by sue equivalent traditionally used as standard
national and international standards. dosimetric material in EPR dosimetry. Recent-
ly, it has been studied to be applied in gel do-
Internal dosimetry simetry, considering that the addition of ala-
nine in the Fricke gel solution improves the
The internal dosimetry program at the Institu- radiation induced ferric ions production. The
to de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN, performance of the Alanine gel solution de-
was accomplished in two steps: the activity veloped at IPEN is being studied using spec-
measurements performed at the In Vivo Mon- trophotometry and magnetic resonance im-
itoring Laboratory and subsequent data anal- aging evaluation techniques.
ysis and dose evaluation by the Dose Calcula-
tion Group, according to the ICRP models. The Ceramic materials based on
purpose of this study was to take the whole rare earth doped yttria
body and thyroid monitoring results record-
ed from 2005 to 2015 to see whether the in- The following research area aims to devel-
ternal contamination control procedure for op new dosimetric materials with high sen-
workers were suitable even with the increase sibility using facile low-cost processing. Rare
in the radiopharmaceutical production. The earths (RE) which exhibit excellent chemical
study were based in a research called “Search and physical proprieties are promising mate-
of Variables”, taking into account the dose dis- rials for dosimetry. Among RE group, yttrium
tribution data for all the tasks recorded by the oxide yttria also known as yttria (Y2O3) ex-
radioprotection service in the restricted areas hibits structure characteristics that offer great
of radiopharmaceutical production plant. This possibilities for doping with RE. Ceramic mi-
methodology aims to identify and determine cro rods based on undoped yttria (Y2O3) and
the relevant variables that impact on the work- RE doped yttria (Y2O3:RE) have been produced
er’s dose. The results presented the following from assembling of nanoparticles via bio-pro-
variables: occupationally exposed individual, totyping, followed by sintering. Sintering of
operation variable, area/cell and type of op- rods, which aims to improve nanoparticles
erational task, which depends on the variable bond, was performed by thermal treatment
dose. In spite of growth rate in the production at 1600oC for 4h. As sintered yttria based rods
of radiopharmaceutical, this study has shown exhibited dense surface microstructure, ho-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares